Chapter 26

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The night on Tulum was a long and awkwardly silent one between you and Edward.

Whilst trying so desperately to enjoy the festivities the islanders had put on, especially for you all. The only comfort you found was being totally alone, transfixed by the fires hypnotising warmth, your eyes staring blankly as the flames kicked high and danced wildly before you.

With a deepened, confused sigh your thoughts didn't stray far from your captain and did nothing but fog and fill,  consumed with the reservation and fear of doing the right thing. 

Thinking of nothing else, you couldn't help the odd sideways glance over to Edward which awkwardly, usually met with his own awkward glance catching yours momentarily before one of you looked rather quickly away.

'This is stupid!' You mused to yourself... How can you even contemplate leaving a man you'd so clearly grown feelings for, a man who risked his own life to see you safe, A man that carried you and had seen you safe from that burning building..... A man you'd become so dangerously close to letting yourself love....... Love? Really? You surprised even yourself on this one.....How could you even consider falling in love with a man who you didn't think you could even trust 100%?

In annoyance, you shook your head, a desperate futile attempt to rid yourself from the stupid ponderings that poked and teased at you.  further to that, the sheer fact you were even allowing them into your headspace angered you further.

You recalled when you'd arrived in the Caribbean all those years ago, you'd promised yourself there'd be no more nonsense... You'd been hurt so badly before by love and you'd promised you'd never allow your guard to drop, yet here you were once again

Disgruntled and riled you made quick your excuses and swiftly exited the nights festivities heading into your simple hut and so to bed, a long and equally annoying night of sleepless ponderings ahead of you no doubt.


"It's not too late Kenway" Kidd mused coldly as he scuffed across the leaf littered ground to where Edward was sat alone.

Edward took a deepened breath as he gathered his own thoughts around, his eyes refocusing as he became aware of Kidd's presence

"Oh aye..... And what exactly am I not too late for Kidd eh?.... Enlighten me" He said nonchalantly as he took a deepened drawl on his drink.

"Oh come on Kenway..."Kidd said as he perched slowly upon the log next to him "I've known you long enough now Kenway.......I can bloody read you like an open book man"

"I'm sorry mate.... I gave up on riddles years ago.... I'm not getting you" Edward replied quite coldly as his eyes avoided contact with Kidds and skipped off across the settlement

"The lass Kenway, I don't want you making a mistake you may come to regret later.... Swallow your pride for once man and go and speak to her.... Tell her how you're feeling.... Stop her from going, Christs sake man!  think long and hard about things eh"

Edward sat forward and placed his elbows upon his knees as he mulled over Kidds words momentarily. His mouth thinned as he offered the beginnings of a nod

" thought about it....." He said quickly with a slight tut  "I still don't give a shit" he replied with a cocky shrug before taking a drink once more

"Bloody hell Kenway!" Kidd spat angrily at his hardness "you're going to lose her..... She's going to go.... stop with this bullshit bravado you're so keen to show everyone will you?, I've seen the way you've both been pawing at each other across the fire tonight.... It's pathetic!"

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