Chapter 25

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The fire in camp roared fiercely kicking off a toasty warm heat to all those sat around, like moths being drawn to its glow the villagers of Tulum drew through the islands darkness to gather seeking its light and warmth.

You sat as close as you could to its fiery crackle, warming your tired and aching body. The passage from Havana had been a tediously slow one due to a storm Kidd's ship encountered a few miles due south of Tulum, along with the fierce thumping from the pain that raged within your head and lack of sleep, it meant you didn't feel quite as acquiescent as normal.

The general hum of excited conversation from the islanders all around you blurred into a general noise of nothingness as your eyes stared long and hard at the glowing embers deep within the fires belly. Your thoughts taking you far away, nowhere in particular just far away.

"Lass!" Called Kidd loudly, and your thoughts snapped you quickly back. Blinking your attentions back round you became aware of an islander stooped before you offering forward a cup of steaming liquid. Without word and a slight smile he nodded and offered it forward towards you.

With a slight smile you leant forward and took the wooden vessel from his fingers, it's hot liquid inside had warmed the outside of the cup making it soothing to touch. Your cold hands welcomed its warmth as you wrapped your slender fingers around it. Much to the delight of the villager, you lifted lifted it to your lips taking a slight sip of the hot, slightly sweet liquid inside. With a wide smile and a reassuring pat to your shoulder, he stood and disappeared.

"Sup up lass" smiled Edward from your side, he lifted a similar cup and drank its hot contents with a slightly overly breathy slurp "it'll warm you" his lips smacked "won't necessarily clear that head of yours mind.... But it will certainly warm you" he added with a slight knowing laugh

You nodded silently, readjusting your fingers grip around the warmth.

Without any warning, the excited hum of chatter quietened quickly until all that could be heard was the hypnotic hiss and crack from the burning wood on the bonfire. Puzzled, you glanced around wondering what had silenced the islanders so suddenly when your eyes met with Ah-Tabai who was approaching the fire.

Your eyes met with his strikingly commanding stature, seemingly more impressive and authoritative than you'd ever remembered before. His towering form strode silently past you and over to an empty space that had been saved for him close by, without word he sat down.

Placing his thick muscular arms upon his knees that peeked through the gaps of his robes and glanced over from under the shadow of his hood. His darkened stoic eyes gave nothing of him away.

"Young lady!" His voice boomed loudly from his hood, filling the immediate compass of the camp.

Slightly startled and a little intimidated by his commanding nature, your eyes skipped nervously across the leaf littered ground until they met with his.

"Master Kidd here has told me of your attempts to retrieve the shards map from the Templars " 

You nodded tentatively "sir!"

"He tells me of your bravery and how you selflessly entered the Governors mansions rooms in search of this map"

You nodded silently, the air around camp was heavy and expectant as all the islanders listened intently.

"And that you were willing to risk your own life to see this accomplished for our cause"

"I did Sir" you replied quietly

He nodded slowly, his darkened face stoic and unreadable

"It is highly commendable and greatly appreciated that you went above and beyond for the brotherhood in order to gain our map once more"

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