Chapter 8

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Edward and Vane strode silently but purposely through the now darkened, deserted streets of Nassau,The Red Lion Tavern fixed firmly in their sights. They made quick work of the relatively short journey from Ruby Reds.

"You been here before Vane?" Questioned Edward

"Aye..... just the once, long while back..... That was enough........tell you what Kenway, we've drunk in some shit holes in our time but this place takes the biscuit"

"That bad?" He asked, their footsteps quietened by the sandy streets

"Aye, proper local tavern for labourers and like, don't favour strangers much"

Edward slowly nodded his head, turning his bottom lip slightly

"Well let's go see if we can piss a few of them off then eh Vane" he sneered with a half cocked smile as he lifted the hood of his robes and pulled it forward

Vane wheezed a hearty laugh "I like your style Kenway"

They approached the Red Lion down the sandy well trodden narrowed streets, the wind that had now picked up blew a small dirt devil across their path, it's leafy debris tip tapped noisily as it moved, dying out almost as quickly as it started. The sounds of music and singing from the tavern filled the night time stillness as they got closer.

Stepping carefully over an unconscious reveller sleeping outside they noisily climbed the few steps that led them to the beaten wooden doors of the tavern and pushed at them slowly, the battered, weather worn door gave a deepened creak much like an old man may sigh discourteously at the arrival of unwanted guests.

Inside, a large and dimly lit room awaited them, the soft glow from the candles and lanterns cast shadows that danced and flitted across the bare brick walls. Large wooden liquor stained tables scared with names etched into them entertained ale soaked labourers and farmers, all of them justifying each other's hardened drinking because it was the end of their day. A rough spit and sawdust kind of establishment, it was certainly a busy and lively place with an eclectic mix of punter. The noise and roar that met them as they entered was deafening, the pair stood a moment and surveyed the room around them.

Edward and Vane approached the bar at the far end of the tavern, sensing all eyes were now upon them they strode with confidence, their heels noisily scuffing the beer soaked floor boards as they slowly moved.

The licensee was a short barrel of a man, seemingly as wide as he was tall, with a smattering of greasy straggled hair, he'd observed them enter and awaited their order as they approached him.

"Two ales" Orderd Edward as he slapped two coins noisily on the counter top, he leant forward onto his elbows as the bar man nodded and started to ready their drinks, his face partially obscured by his hood. Vane turned and leant with his back against the bar his eyes flicking quickly around looking for eye contact.

"Friendly fucking bunch aren't they Kenway" he laughed quietly as he scanned the room.

The barman placed two wooden tankards down nosily in front of them, the froth from the top slopped over the side and pooled onto the counter top

"We'll have no trouble here gents" Said the bar man as he collected his coins from the counter top, his fat sweaty face cut the two strangers a look.

"Don't worry, you'll get none from us" replied Edward quietly and calmly from under his hood, he gave the barman a reassuring nod. Vane shot him a perplexed look wondering exactly just what it was he had planned.

"Ain't seen you in here before" The barman said

"That's because we ain't been in before" Growled Vane sarcastically reaching for his drink, his battered sea worn fingers sliding slowly around the wooden tankard.

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