I smiled at Perrie with my hands on my hips. "You're being a silly billy, come on." I held out my hand. 
"Where we go mama?" She asked me."To bed," I chuckled. She just groaned but followed me. "Maammma, my bewwy hurtie," she whispered and sat down on her bean bag in her bedroom. "Mummy is getting you some medicine princess, come lie down we need to change your soggy bottom," I said to her and taped the changing mat. She crawled over and led down then let out a big yawn.

"Oooh, I think my princess is tired then," I smiled and rubbed her belly slightly, she did feel a little bloated... maybe she just ate a little too much food at the fair. Jade came in with a bottle of milk and handed it to Pez.

"What do you say little one?" Jade asked and stroked Perrie's head slightly. 

"Tank woo mummy," she muttered and instantly began drinking her milk. "Goodnight my love, sleep well," Jade kissed Perrie's head then walked out leaving me and Perrie alone. I'm guessing Jade put the medicine in the bottle. "Mama, it yucky," Perrie groaned and held out her bottle. 

"Princess its the same as always," I whispered, she can never ever taste the medicine when we put it in for her.
"No mama, it ucky!" Perrie whined and threw it away. "Pez bubba, you know we don't throw things," I sighed and stroked her legs as I wiped her clean. "Mama i say it ucky I no wan it!" She cried and banged her legs on the floor. I held her legs and looked at her. 

"And that's okay princess but we don't throw things do we?" I softened my tone and stroked her cheek gently.

"No mama," she sniffled. 

"Good girl, once you're changed you go pick it up for me yeah?" I whispered and kept caressing her cheek. She nodded sleepily. I quickly found her piglet paci and hovered it over her lips. She opened her mouth slightly and I slid it in.

"Oh, you're a sleepy little one," I whispered and began putting her powder on then closed her nappy. She looked at me and I smiled at her then patted her bottom. 

"Go get your bottle baby," I said. she crawled over slowly to where she threw it whilst I packed her stuff away. She held it in her knee and tried drinking it again but pulled a face.

"Mama i no wike it," she began to cry slightly, obviously wanting her bottle but not wanting the yucky one. I walked over to her and took the bottle then tried some myself. It was cold. Jade had obviously forgotten to warm it up and my princess Pez was expecting her warm milk.

"You go get into bed for me little one, mama will go warm it up." I smiled and stroked her head, she crawled over to her bed and slid in then cuddled up to her lion and baloo. Walking back into Perrie's bedroom I could hear her talking to her teddies saying how her belly was sore and that mummy didn't believe her which made me kind of sad. Jade knew her belly was sore, just not her ankle and Perrie had been milking that all evening. I sat on the side of her bed and smiled at Pez then stroked her hair.
"Are you okay little one?" I asked her. She nodded and reached for the bottle. I giggled and gave it to her, she instantly drank it. 
"Is that better baby?" I asked, she nodded and took it out.

"Tank woo mama," she whispered sleepily. "You're welcome little one, close those pretty eyes," I cooed. Me or Jade usually stay with her until she finishes her bottle just to make sure she doesn't choke or anything like that, then her nightlight goes on, her gate gets shut and we head out. After Perrie had finished just over half of her bottle she handed it back to me. 

"No more mama," she sighed tiredly and rolled over. I nodded and put the bottle next to her bed then slid her paci into her mouth.
"Goodnight baby girl, I love you," I said softly. She muttered an i love you back through her paci and fell asleep. I turned on her light, turned off her big light then left and closed the gate.

I walked into the bedroom to see Jade watching some show on TV in an oversized t-shirt and no pants. I chuckled and went to straddle her knee. I hid my face in her neck and sighed. She wrapped her arms around me and kissed my jaw. 

"Whats up baby?" she whispered. "I'm exhausted," I groaned.
"Who knew looking after an over dramatic, complaining baby would be so much work?" I added. Jade chuckled and rubbed my back.

"Is she asleep?" She asked.

"Mhmm, she went straight off, didn't even finish her bottle, which you forgot to warm up by the way!" I teased and poked her sides. She groaned and threw her head back.
"Sorry! I was trying to think of what the matter could be and wasn't really concentrating. I'm guessing that caused an upset." She said and stroked my hair.

"A little one, some banging and throwing but that's it," I laughed slightly. Jade nodded.
"I think we should sleep," she muttered and kissed me again.

I nodded, climbed off her and went to get changed then to do my teeth and toilet. 10 minutes later I climbed into bed next to my fiancee and cuddled up close to her. 


sorry its so overdue aha, hope y'all like it!

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