For the Living

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As soon as Nathan heard the locks clicking on Josie's door, he broke into a grin. He had been anxious for another opportunity to hang out with her.

Josie was greeted by the sight of Nathan doing what amounted to a touchdown dance. An amused smirk crept its way onto her lips.

"Nice moves," she teased, stepping aside to allow his entrance.

"Your presence warrants celebratory dancing."

A real smile touched Josie's lips then, and Nathan leaned down to kiss her before stepping inside. "I brought you something."

Nathan passed Josie the mason jar in his hand labeled peppermint tea. She appreciated that he never showed up empty handed. It was apparent he was raised by older parents.

She closed the door with one hand and took the mason jar with the other. "How did you know peppermint was my favorite?"

Josie opened the jar with the loose tea, inhaling deeply. The scent of the tea opened her nostrils and she could feel the calming sensation.

"Just a hunch."

"Thank you."

"You're welcome."

Nathan watched Josie walk to the kitchen, taking inventory of her figure in the form fitting dress she donned. The fabric didn't cling to her skin, yet it highlighted every curve on her body. He could swear she was the most magnificent woman he had ever seen.

Without even thinking about it, Nathan followed behind Josie, watching her place the tea with her stash in a cabinet. She nearly bumped into him when she turned back around, and he chuckled when he realized it was because of how closely he was following her.

"I was taught about personal space once," he joked, backing up.

Josie released a giggle before biting her lip and pulling him back to her by his shirt. "I might have been taught a slightly different definition for personal space." She stood on her tippy toes with her head tilted up expectantly.

Nathan obliged her silent kiss request, wrapping his arms securely around her waist and lifting her up, feeling Josie's arms snaking around his neck as she enveloped his torso with her legs.

Josie's body melted into Nathan's as he pulled her bottom lip into his mouth. A soft moan escaped her throat as she allowed Nathan to dominate the kiss.

Nathan carried Josie to the front room and sat down on the sofa, allowing her to straddle him. Josie slid her hands to rest on Nathan's shoulder before she pulled away to look at him.

"What?" he asked.

"Nothing. You're just a really good-looking dude."

"You're not half-bad, yourself, gorgeous."

Josie smiled and leaned back down to kiss Nathan again. "I didn't plan anything," she admitted. "I just wanted to see you. But without the nuisance of other people."

"I'm okay with that."

Nathan liked that Josie wanted to spend time with him as badly as he wanted to spend time with her. He could do without the presence of others.

"I watched your game last night," she informed him, sitting on the sofa and draping her legs across his lap.

"You watch baseball?" he asked with a smirk, looking over at her as he began massaging her right foot.

"I do now. My brothers played in school, but I stopped watching after they stopped playing. I never really found a lot of interest in it."

Josie laid her head on the arm of the sofa and closed her eyes, relaxing as Nathan continued massaging her foot.

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