Yogic Meditation

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Josie looked out at her class, checking everyone's form to be sure they were doing the yoga correctly. She was teaching a beginners class today and wanted to make sure that everyone was doing their best to get into the poses. It did them no good to do it incorrectly. They'd never advance and could damage their muscles and injure themselves.

"You want to get your feet as flat as you can," she instructed aloud, noticing a newcomer who seemed to be having a little harder time. The woman changed her form a little bit, and Josie left her alone. With time, she'd get better at it.

Josie led her class in their cool down, feeling so relaxed herself that she almost fell asleep on her mat. She hadn't been this relaxed in a long time, even during her classes.

She opened her eyes and stood, thanking her class for coming out and working out with her, smiling broadly as she began to roll up her mat, watching everyone else do the same. A semi new regular, Quiana, came over to her with her yoga mat under her arm. "You need to quit playing. I don't bend like you," she complained to Josie who just smiled.

"You know what being bendy is good for," she told Quiana with a wink, heading towards the locker room.

Quiana laughed, shaking her head, following behind her as they went into their lockers. Josie liked Quiana and was immediately drawn to the other woman's energy. She was hilarious.

Josie slipped her mat into the locker and grabbed her shower bag, heading for the showers.
When she got out, she headed towards the snack bar, ordering a bag of cashews and a yogurt smoothie.

She saw Quiana heading out and waved goodbye to her as she sat at the counter for a moment, greeting the Zumba instructor, Desi, as she entered the snack bar and sat beside her. "Good afternoon." Desi had a bright smile on her face as she set her bag at her feet and turned to ask for a bag of peanuts. Paying for her purchase, Desi turned back to Josie. "What are you doing this weekend?" she wondered.

"I have a shoot for 'Beach Bodies' Saturday with the baseball team and a few other girls. I was invited to a party Saturday night and told to bring a friend," she offered with a smile to Desi.

"You know I'm not going to any types of parties with you, Josie." Desi laughed, tossing her head back.

"Okay, but if you change your mind, you know how to reach me. I'll see you later. I have to go see my parents," she told her, hopping down and hugging Desi before she headed to her car, pulling her sunglasses on.

In the car, she rode with the music off, being left alone to her thoughts. She was in such a positive place and close to nothing could bring her down today. The world seemed to be at her fingertips and she was enjoying every moment of the ride.

Pulling into the driveway of her parents' place, she rolled her windows up and got out of the car and started up the walkway.

Opening the door, she stepped into the house. "Mamá, Papá," she called, closing the door behind herself. They never answered to her when she called them like that. She used to get scolded for it, but over time, the couple accepted this as her way of announcing herself. This was clearly something she had gotten away with doing as a child.

She found her daddy sitting on the sofa watching a soccer match and she leaned down and kissed his cheek. "Hey." Her grin was all teeth as she wrapped her arms around him to hug him. "Where is Mami?"

"I'm in the kitchen, mija," Sofia called.

Josie went into the kitchen and greeted Sofia with a hug, kissing her cheek. "How was your day, Mami?" she asked, moving to sit at the island counter, crossing her ankles.

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