Another Night

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Josie padded out of the kitchen and into her bedroom. She undressed herself before going to take a brief shower and sliding back into the bed, sitting up with her knees in her chest, staring out the window to the ocean.

Something about Nathan's presence comforted her. It had been such a long time since she took comfort in someone else just being there. She usually took solace in being alone and left to her own devices.

The ringing of Nathan's phone took her out of her reverie and caused her to look over at him as he groaned and leaned over the bed to pull the phone out of his pocket. He rolled his eyes when he saw his mother's face flashing across the screen and silenced it, setting it on the nightstand.

"I'm not going to be mad if you answer the phone," Josie said, turning to look back out her window.

"It's not about you," he told her. "She just wants me to come do whatever thing she's decided she's doing today, and I'm busy."

Josie just turned back to stare out the window. Nathan watched her for a moment, his eyes roving over her smooth skin. His eyes landed on the small groove in her back meeting the curve of a hard earned ass. He sat up, admiring every defined muscle on her physique, knowing most people, yet alone women, didn't have that kind of determination in them.

"You feeling okay, Josie?" he asked, sitting up, placing his hands on her shoulders, kissing her neck.

"Yeah, I'm okay. Just thinking," she answered, reaching a hand up to stroke his hair. "And don't you dare leave another hickey, mister," she ordered.

Nathan chuckled at that, moving his kisses to her nape, down her spinal cord, to her shoulder blade before he moved in front of her to lay her back. "I'll do my best, baby."

He pecked her lips, and she reached onto the nightstand for another rubber. She already knew where this was going, and she was for it.

"I'm not kidding," she told him, sliding the condom on for him.

Nathan just chuckled, gripping Josie's hips and pulling her closer to him. She shrieked from the surprise before she giggled, watching him part her thighs and slide into her.

A slight moan left her lips as her eyes closed and she bit her lip. He watched her face, watching her evident enjoyment.

The moment her eyes opened, they connected with his. She wasn't ready for that eye contact. However, she couldn't break her gaze, entranced in the intensity in his eyes.

Josie had never experienced this before. She wasn't 100 percent sure where her eyes were before, but she was certain that they were never locked with her partner's.

Just a year ago, Josie would have put this whole thing to a halt, made Nathan stop, and asked him to leave. Now, though, she let it continue. She embraced it and decided to live in the moment, to welcome whatever was going to come.

She refused to run from any more good things. She wasn't sure exactly what this was, going on between herself and Nathan. She did know that she liked him and she wasn't going to let fear keep her from enjoying anyone else.

Nathan's phone began to ring again, and Josie's head turned towards the sound, but Nathan gently grabbed her chin and brought her attention back to him. "Whatever it is, that doesn't concern us right now," he told her.

Josie found herself nodding. Nathan took her hands in his, threading their fingers as he leaned forward, his lips meeting hers and parting them.

A low moan escaped him before he pulled back and exited Josie, just looking down at her while he gathered his bearings.

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