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Josie headed to Nuxa Bar and Grille with her sister, thinking to herself with a slight smile on her lips.

Lola couldn't help noticing the smile on her sister's face. Except for when she was in one of her moods, Josie was generally a pretty up person. It wasn't unusual for her to be in a pleasant mood. This, though, seemed different.

"You seem different," Lola finally noted, bringing Josie's attention back to her.

Josie looked at her sister with an eyebrow raised, her smile growing even wider. "Do I?" she asked simply.

"Yeah. Like happier. Glow-ier."

"Glow-ier is not a word, mija."

Lola rolled her eyes, having a sip of her margarita, still studying Josie. "You know what I mean, girl. Are you pregnant or something?"

"And how would I become pregnant, Lola?"

"You're not going to convince me you're not sexually active."

"Can I convince you that I use those little rubber things?" Josie smirked. "And that I allowed my doctor to put a bar in my arm to stop me from ovulating?"

"You can. I just wanna know what's going on. Why are you different? What new thing are you doing? What new man are you doing?"

Josie laughed so loud that she had to cover her mouth as she threw her head back. Her stomach began to hurt from the laughter, but she couldn't bring herself back in.

Josie didn't think that she was different, but if Lola was saying she was, she had to believe that Nathan was having more of an effect on her than she previously had believed he was. Not that it bothered her anymore.

"His name is Nathan."

"I knew it was somebody. Where did you meet him?"

"We actually met at a photoshoot. He's a professional baseball player."

"Oooh, he got money!" Lola teased.

Josie rolled her eyes at her sister. She had been blessed enough to make an ample income doing things she enjoyed doing and had never been much concerned one way or the other about a man's pockets and what he could do for her materially.

She still hadn't asked a single man she had been with their annual income. Although she could easily Google search how much Nathan was worth, she never looked at him with dollar signs. There was nothing she wanted that she could not afford herself.

"I'm sure he does."

Lola giggled at her sister's dry reaction. It had become a joke in the family now to tease Josie about the financial status of whomever she was dating. Although they were sure it wasn't intentional, Josie always ended up with men who were well-off. They were sure a lot of that had to do with the way she moved on her own, rather than her seeking out such a thing.

"You really like this one, don't you?"

Josie sighed, biting her lip as she tried to contain yet another grin. She didn't have to open her mouth to answer Lola's question. It was written all over her face.

Lola watched Josie slide into another daydream, and she just let her enjoy it without interrupting her again. For all her charisma, she was a distant person, even to her family at times. To see someone get close enough to make her noticeably different to her own family, they had to be something worth seeing.

"Yeah," Josie answered after she realized she had gone off on her own again.

On her way home from the lunch, Josie contemplated her sister's words. She seemed different. She knew that a man with the ability to make her different was powerful, and she was just glad that the energy she had obviously allowed herself to consume was one that brought stillness and peace instead of chaos and destruction.

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