Bacon and Eggs

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Josie woke up with Nathan peacefully asleep beside her. She looked over at him, and she smiled to herself. She wondered if anyone had told him how handsome he really was.

Sliding out of bed, she headed into the bathroom, closing the door. It didn't matter how many times a person saw her naked. The bathroom was her space. Her private time.

When she left the bathroom, she padded to the kitchen, deciding that she would cook breakfast for Nathan. He had earned it, after all.

She turned on her music, dancing and singing along as she laid bacon across the skillet. Tink Treat Me Like Somebody was playing, and she was feeling it as she started to scramble eggs.

As the song was going off, she looked over and saw Nathan leaning on the wall watching her, smirking. A giggle escaped her at having been caught in the midst of her early morning concert and breakfast. She wasn't embarrassed because she was just enjoying herself, but she didn't know Nathan was standing there.

"Good morning, Josie," he greeted, his eyes roaming over her body.

"Good morning. I'm making breakfast."

"I noticed."

Nathan moved to sit down and watch Josie work, dancing and singing along to whatever came on. He enjoyed watching her in this element, comfortable and free. Although the last time he was with her, she didn't seem to be in a particularly bad mood, this mood was undeniably good.

Scrambling her eggs to Double Tap by Jordin Sparks, she wound her waist, almost managing to forget her companion watching her as she allowed herself to be transported into her own world.

Nathan couldn't help his gaze to her ass, sitting right in the shorts as she wound to the music, working in a pop on occasion. He wanted to see Josie like this more often. More up than down. Less like she wanted to run away, and more like she was comfortable where she was.

By the time Ego by Beyoncé came on, she was making their plates, and bouncing around. She set Nathan's plate in front of him, still dancing and singing. He could tell she was a big fan of Beyoncé's music by the way she couldn't keep still long enough to place the plate on the table without jostling it.

He enjoyed seeing her this way, though. This upbeat Josie who was comfortable dancing and singing along to music she liked. This Josie whose guard was down. God, she was beautiful.

When Ego went off, Josie finally managed to sit down and notice Nathan watching. She couldn't resist the smile that spread across her lips when she realized it. "That's my song," she said with a shrug, grabbing her fork.

"From what I could see, every song was your song," he teased, watching her silently giggle before she closed her eyes briefly.

"Something about music." She shrugged. "The rhythm gets to me. Makes me want to move, sing along. Don't you have any songs that you really like, Nathan?"

"As a matter of fact, there's a new one from Coldplay featuring your girl," he told her, moving to grab her phone.

He went to YouTube and turned on Hymn for the Weekend. He watched Josie's reactions as Beyoncé's adlibs came in. He could tell by her being stock still that she was unfamiliar with the tune. She nodded along as the beat came in, smiling softly over him as she listened.

Josie ate her breakfast, allowing herself to be immersed in the lyrics of the song. She could feel it on a spiritual level. Although she didn't really listened to Coldplay, she could always appreciate their music when it was on.

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