Adrien - Friend Like Felix

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"We all know who Adrien Agreste is. The pretty little golden boy with the perfect little life. He smiles and he smiles and he smiles. Doesn't it scare you that he smiles so much? How about I tell you all about the golden boy and how insane he is? Huh?" Fingers trembling, she picked up a bottle of tequila and rose it to her lips. Sure, she was sixteen and underage but who cares? She would be dead soon, anyway. They all would. She couldn't deal with it, anymore. The beating, the bruises, the barrage of insults. Life really wasn't worth the trouble and as she waved to her millions of Instagram fans, she knew she was waving away her life. It was only a matter of time before he struck.

"You know... you know he's going to find me... He will but it's fine. This is what I was made for. Maybe this little video will push you past the edge, huh? Then you can stop playing with me and straight up take my life away like you've wanted for so long. Did you all know that underneath that pretty, innocent little grin is darkness for miles? Not the darkness I have; oh no. My darkness eats me alive. His can't survive feasting on him alone... it devours whoever tries to pull him into the light alive." She pulled out a cigarette and let out a slow exhale seconds later that covered the room in smoke. The curtains were drawn. She was wearing her best clothes. She was ready to die. She bit her lip and crawled over to the camera, chuckling at the comments.

"You all think I'm crazy, don't you. Well, Chloe Bourgeois and Queen bee? This is who they are. Two broken girls who are tired of trying to find the light. You know what? Fuck the light. I want darkness and I want it now so Felix? Come out to play, your plaything's waiting so stop making me impatient and make me dead." The door opened and a silhouette stood at the entrance, Chloe's breath hitching. All of a sudden, the alcohol drained out of her system, the weed in there vanished in the wind and her face paled. This was all a grave mistake and she would pay the price for her idiocy with her life. "F-Felix?"

"Your wish is my command," was the response from the door. The gruff-voiced intruder shut the door behind her, shutting out the last remaining day of light in the room and a scream was heard before the video came to an abrupt end.

. . .

"Anyone heard from Chloe? I mean, I lowkey hate the bitch but damn, she comes to school to torment people. It's like her favourite thing... Adrien hasn't been coming, either," Nino muttered. Alya nudged him, a sad but understanding smile on her face and he cleared his throat quickly. Both felt uncomfortable having crushes on each other while unknowingly bearing crushes on each other's superhero personas but it couldn't be helped. Alya glanced at Marinette, sighing at her pale face.

Marinette hadn't been the same since Adrien stopped showing up. It particularly pained her that Chloe had posted an awful Instagram video about her crush and vanished right after that. She still hadn't watched the video but from what she heard, people seemed to suspect Adrien was truly hurting Chloe which Marinette knew was impossible and now, he was hiding away from the public eye that had once adored him. It sickened her because the same people that once loved Adrien Agreste were spreading lies about him.

"Why did she have to say Adrien's name in that stupid video? It was clearly all about this guy named Felix! H-how could she drag Adrien's name into the mud like this?"

"She brought this upon herself. I don't know what's happening but that Felix guy must be her boyfriend or something and the drunk, high brat mentioned Adrien? Dammit." Marinette felt tears well up in her eyes as Alya spoke, sighing softly when her best friend pulled her into a warm embrace. "Hey, it's okay. We're worried about him, too. Until the cops find that Felix guy or Chloe... Maybe what's left of her, anyway, he's pretty much the only lead they have. He hasn't come out for a month, though and they've surrounded his mansion."

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