Marichat - Pound It?

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Inspired by CACW where Cap found Bucky and helped him. Finished writing this at around 3 am days ago, just have to edit and you can read this stuff! I could've made it more descriptive, at least at the torture part later but meh, #lazyaf 😅

Their feet pounded against the concrete as they leapt over building after building. Ladybug used her yo-yo to move faster while Chat's staff propelled him forward. Of the entire miraculous team, they were all that was left. The rest were nowhere to be found and likely never would be found.

What was that monk from millennia ago thinking when he gave ordinary humans extraordinary abilities? Did he not consider that humans are greedy and self-centred, forever desperate to be in control of all things, whether they were good or not? Did he not consider that the existence of actual superheroes would eventually become a problem across the globe?

At first, all the heroes did was centred in Paris and that was fine. It was a small, somewhat tightly knit community but as news of their existence began to spread far and wide, humanity began to destroy another good thing just like they had destroyed the good green Earth they were given. Propaganda began to pop up in which the heroes wee declared as a danger to society with their extraordinary powers. That had begun right after they finally caught Hawkmoth a.k.a Gabriel Agreste but they had all hoped it would die down.

They hoped in vain. In fact, all their hope and belief in the good of humanity cost a good number of them their lives.

At first, the government had asked for them so they could be imprisoned indefinitely. However, Gabriel Agreste and Natalie Sancoeur who had been Mayura were both killed by inmates within six months of imprisonment for all the lost loved ones that no one ever used to see that had been killed by akumatised Parisians. So, the Mayor decided that any hero caught had to be held in a containment facility away from other people.

Imagine his shock when they caught Queen bee and he found out she was his daughter. The bill had already been passed, however, so he had no choice but to say goodbye to his daughter. Unable to take the silence after three long years, Chloe Bourgeois was found dead in her cell with a piece of sharpened broken plastic from the tray she was passed food from lodged in her blood-covered throat. However, while they had kept her under lockdown, other governments of the world had other ideas on what to do with the heroes.

The rest of their team had been lost to special operatives from different countries who whisked them away, alive, in the aim of producing super-soldiers and weapons of mass destruction. These foreigners often tried to take their miraculouses but those could only be used when the miraculous holder willingly gave up their items and they had all made a pact since the loss of their friend, Chloe, to only give it up at the point of death to a trusted friend.

All in all, as Ladybug and Chat Noir ran, it was their fifth year as miraculous holders and they had only gone to the Eiffel Tower to celebrate but were ambushed instead. Ladybug could feel tears in her eyes as she hid behind a chimney with Chat Noir, knowing fully well that they would be found soon. Chat sucked in a breath and made to continue running, pausing when Ladybug gripped his hand. "Chat? Kitty, stop. I... I think this is it. The day they finally get us. Seems fitting, huh? Captured by people like us when we've dedicated five years of our lives to protect them..."

"Don't say that. Hey, don't say that, m'lady..." In all the years, Ladybug never once cried in front of anyone. She kept her pain to herself, even when it was only her and Chat left so seeing her so defeated nearly broke him. He cupped her cheek and leaned close so their foreheads were touching, shutting his eyes. She gripped his free hand and shut her eyes as well, trembling. "We... We're gonna be okay. Do that 'Lucky Charm' thing, huh? Hopefully, it'll get us out of here quick, whatever it is. Just... Don't give up hope."

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