Gabriel - Sucker for Pain

75 1 5

Tw torture, suicide, rape

"Mr Agreste, how do you respond to the claims of your rape of the Mayor's daughter, Chloe Bourgeois?" Gabriel blinked twice, his face straight as he was handcuffed. He ignored the sting of the metal and the mortifying way the cop pressed his face against his limo, gazing at Nadia Chamack with no emotion before turning to watch the Mayor get out. The press crowded both of them and he cursed, noticing the sight of the airport mere miles away.

"Mr Bourgeois, Mr Bourgeois!"

"Mr Mayor, from the reports, you... Watched Mr Agreste as he committed this crime. Response?" The Mayor could only smile, nervously running a hand through his hair as Roger Raincomprix cuffed him.

"Look, I've heard all these before. Just more rumours and propaganda from my opponents-"

"So the video of your daughter's... Outburst and words from members of your staff, as well as your wife describing you as a sick individual with an unhealthy obsession for your daughter, is completely the work of competitors, sir?" Everyone, including Nadia Chamack who had asked the million-dollar question, had unconvinced looks on their faces. He managed another nervous smile, following Gabriel into the police car.

"Thank you but no more questions. I just want to ensure the citizens of Paris that I and my companion are not criminals and these crimes that have been pinned on us are fallacies and downright insulting. I hope no one doubts my integrity when I tell you that these accusations will not be taken lightly, I definitely need to have a conversation with my daughter, though. All these funny stories, priceless!"

He threw his head back, letting out a chuckle but the reporters didn't seem moved. Gabriel cracked a small, cold smile at the sight of Andre struggling to defend himself. It was true, the rape, the accusations, all of it. Andre was indeed sick, in his own right but he couldn't hold a candle to Gabriel's insanity. However, Gabriel understood that he was the Mayor and would obviously get more attention.

You don't even have to question me, it's not like I raped a sixteen-year-old girl five years ago or anything, right?

He chuckled at his thoughts, rolling his eyes when cameras flashed in his face. Growling, he glared at the blurry faces of people he didn't know and fought back against Roger Raincomprix when the policeman twisted his arm a little too hard and roughly pushed his head down to enter the police vehicle. Before Roger could shut the door in his face, he said, "what's wrong, Raincomprix? Look, I get it. You've been attracted to that Bourgeois girl for a while now and you probably wanted to have her like you've had your own kid. I got my slice of the cake first, alright? Get over it."

Roger blinked twice, a horrified expression on his face. "How... How did you know about... Shut the hell up, Agreste."

"Oh, great work, Mr Comprix. Shut me up, just like you used to when we were in school," Gabriel whispered, leaning closer so he was inches away from Roger's face. The man was fuming, his fists clenched at his sides. "I swear, the moment I get out of this mess I'm in, you and I are going to reconnect, you know? Relive some of those good old school days of ours except I'll be the one dunking your head into the toilet, I'll be the one laughing... And when I'm done torturing you, a thousand times worse than you tortured me, I am going to grab your pretty red hair and slam your head into the wall TILL YOU'RE NOTHING BUT A FACELESS, GRUESOME HEAP OF SHIT-"

The door was slammed in his face and Gabriel shut his eyes from the sting, raising his cuffed hands to wipe the blood covering his nose. He dared to take a whiff and chuckled, gazing at Roger in silence with longing in his eyes, a dangerous desire to destroy. Roger looked away, tapping the bonnet of the car and the officers drove off. Gabriel giggled childishly and turned to the Mayor, nudging him with a smug smile on his face. "So, Andre, wanna talk about how all that ever comes out of your mouth is literally shit? It just bothers me that shit just rolls off your tongue that easy, you know?"

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