Nalya - Life As We Know It Prt 1

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The end of the world has been a mystery to humankind for many centuries. Many have predicted different outcomes; many of which include the coming of creatures that no one could have imagined existing a few centuries ago. Aliens, robots, zombies, the list goes on. No one predicted that the end would be started by a teenager or brought to an end by one, however. Not by a long shot.

Nino sucked in a breath as he woke up, his chest heaving. It was the same nightmare again; watching Adrien and Marinette being dragged away by their akumatised versions. The day it all began and the day he lost the most important person in the world to him; Alya. He had already lost his brother, Chris, who had been in the military but losing Alya completely broke him.

Akumbies. Who came up with that fucking name? Oh... Right. It was Adrien Agreste, of course.

Most people didn't know where the name had come from or how the problem had begun but he did. After Hawkmoth was defeated, Max was given the Hawkmoth miraculous by Kim in his superhero form. What a mistake that was. The first time he had ever seen an akumbie was as he and his friends raced to find Max. After receiving the miraculous, he became detached. They never should have given him that miraculous after all the corruption Nooroo had gone through by being forced to do evil and it was his fault because he became the unofficial master that everyone turned to after Master Fu died.

He blamed himself when he noticed the darkness in Max's eyes as he muttered 'eureka', a modified Hawkmoth brooch in his hands. Before they could ask what was going on, he transformed and released his butterflies on them all. Their akumatised versions stepped away from their bodies after the purplish-black substance had encased them, the team in shock when they were smiled at by their evil doubles.

They lost most of the team that day. Of all of then, Sabrina, Nino and Max were the only ones who survived. Sabrina was shattered after seeing what Max had done and till that day, she stayed locked up in a room in the house, one of them having to take her food when it was time to eat though she hardly ever touched it. He could vaguely remember Adrien telling Max to call off his 'akumbies' and give up the brooch with a nervous smile, the smile fading when his akumbie extended his staff towards his chest, Adrien not expecting a blade to be at the other end.

They might have been slow but they were ruthless. Nino and Sabrina were lucky to get out alive but the akumbies didn't stop spreading. Funny enough, Max died alone by the hand of his own akumbie much later when his creations turned on him so now, there was no order left. At least, Max only used them to target the remaining miraculous holders so he could gain more power. Not as many people were getting hurt and they stayed within Paris while he lived.

Three years after the incident and his death, the akumbies had spread across the world, spreading the virus that brought out other akumbies by using their powers. For example, Zombizou used her kisses to spread it and Dark Cupid used his arrows. The virus had spread across the world and death, sickness and suicide were all the rage. Nino rose and looked around Adrien's room, sighing softly. His father had been Hawkmoth and also incredibly paranoid, though his assumptions of the end ended up somewhat coming true, so he had a lot of supplies that the survivors hiding there used for their safety.

"Hey, Mylene. The food's still going strong, I see," he said to the plump teenager as he noticed her in the kitchen. He had hoped to grab some food without disturbance or human interaction but well, life never works out as we want, does it? She looked up from the can of soup she was staring at, Nino noticing the tears in her eyes quickly. He sucked in a breath when she forced on a smile and wiped her eyes, wishing he could cry like she did. Instead, all he did was keep his negative emotions inside which were desperate for release. He cleared his throat when she had completed herself, asking himself, "I wonder how much longer it'll hold up. It's been three years in this fancy rich white kid hell hole..."

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