Adrienette - Bloody Christmas

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Tw: self-harm, blood, alcohol, near-death

Marinette walked about the bakery giving customers different pastries with a smile on her face. Her parents were beaming and she couldn't help but feel excited. Christmas was her favourite time of the year. She had set up a large tree with her family, decorating it with shiny baubles and lights. She hummed a Christmas carol as she worked, pausing when her phone rang. She saw Nino's name on the screen before picking it up.

"Hey Nino, having a good time with Alya on your honeymoon?" She smirked so wide she felt like Chat Noir. Nino stuttered and groaned.

"First of all, we're at her grandmother's house. You and your dirty mind. Second, I am eighteen years old dudette. No way is any of that happening till Alya and I are married."

"Any of what?" He cursed under his breath. Marinette felt a little giddy over the fact that he had mentioned marriage but she hid it well.

"Marinette, I need a tiny favour. So... You know my buddy Adrien, the guy you had a huge crush on all through high school-"

"Nino!" She could hear Alya laughing in the background, a scowl on her face.

"Anyway, yeah, of course, you know him. I know it's Christmas Eve and you're with your family and all but do you... Mind... Maybe... Going over to his place and checking on him? He's alone and-" she gasped, shocked.

"How can he be alone? I-It's Christmas! Shouldn't his dad be with him or something?"

"His dad is out of town for some stupid fashion conference in Milan. Trust me, I hate him for it too but it is what it is." She could feel Nino shrugging from the other side. "Anyways, you really don't have to but I would appreciate it if you could share some of that good ol' Christmas spirit with my buddy, okay?"

Marinette wasn't sure what to do. She hadn't seen Adrien since graduation and she even though she was three years older, she had a feeling that her crush on him was still there. She shook her head mentally and firmly resolved to go over to the mansion. No one deserved something as bad as spending Christmas alone. "Yeah, okay. There's more than enough to share."

"Try not to faint girl! We both know you're still crazy for him, love you lots- ETTA, ELLA, GET AWAY FROM THAT- OH LORD- GOTTAGOBYE!" Marinette chuckled, ignoring her previous statement and frowned when she thought about Adrien. What kind of dad leaves his son alone? On Christmas! She felt a large hand on her shoulder and looked up to see her father and mother looking at her worriedly.

"Mama, Papa, I have to go."

"What? But you just got here, sweetheart!"

"I've been here a whole week, Papa."

"I know but we missed you so much." She hugged both her parents, choking up slightly. She was going to a fashion design school in Canada so she didn't get to see her parents as much as she would have hoped.

"Look, a friend of mine is alone and I can't bear the thought of him by himself so I need to, alright? I'll be back soon." Her mother watched her throwing on a coat and scarf frantically, smiling to herself. She looked up when she saw their cheeky expressions. "Is something wrong, Mama?"

"Oh, heavens no dear. It's just... For you to abandon family like this, he must be some important guy..." She bit her lip, her cheeks reddening and shook her head.

"I'm not abandoning anyone. I'll be back soon." She grabbed her purse, knowing Tikki would be inside and grabbed a few pastries for Adrien before leaving. She walked down the streets of Paris, loving the warm, vibrant atmosphere that surrounded her. She stopped in front of one of Adrien's pictures, a frown on her face. Adrien continued with modelling, not bothering to attend college. He looked different to her. Something was just off about his eyes, about his smile. They were mechanical and cold. She shuddered and kept walking till she reached his place.

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