Juleka - Baby Mama

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Tw: rape, self-harm

Juleka yawned as she made her way back to college. At the age of twenty-one, she was still trying to find balance between schooling, going to work and her social life. As a result, she hadn't kept in touch with anyone from highschool except her best friend, Rose. She was learning makeup artistry and minoring in photography at her theatre arts college. As she walked towards the place, balancing all her equipment, she hoped the owner, Monsieur Philipe, wouldn't be too angry with her.

She had a bit of a record for going late to class and it was irritating her teachers immensely. She always acted sheepish and apologetic when she came in late, mentally wishing that would stop bothering her about it. She feared that she would be kicked out if she was late too often but she really couldn't help it. She had things to do and a child to get to school every morning before her own classes. It was hard work. She bumped into someone on her way and scowled when her items shook, about to cross the road when she was yanked back. Her camera and makeup items fell to the floor with a loud clatter. Parisians glanced at her and went back to their business, not bothering to help out.

"Seriously? Today is bad enough as it is and-"

"I'm so sorry. It's just-"

"Why did you yank me like that? If robbing me was the plan there, you could've at least done it with less force." She looked up, about to send the man a hard glare when she saw his face. He was a brunette, only a few inches taller than her with soft hazel brown eyes. Clearing his throat, he bent down and joined her in picking up her things.

"I'm sorry miss but you were about to walk into some heavy traffic and I wasn't about to watch you get hit by a bus, of course, now that I've had the pleasure of scratching the surface of your personality I believe I might have been mistaken to save you." He handed her the last of the brushes and picked up her camera with a small smile, comparing it to the one hung loosely around his neck. He handed it to her and she scolded herself for the slight blush that crossed her face when their fingers touched.

The moment they did, he looked up and stared at her. He noticed her copper eyes first, then the purple tips of her raven black hair. He unconsciously tucked the bangs covering her left eye behind her ear, taking in her face. She looked down, feeling uncomfortable and stepped away. She let out a small sigh of relief when the light turned green for walkers and sped across the road, away from the strange man.

"Sorry, I really should get going, thanks for the help!" He followed her, matching her pace and then went a bit further and turned around. He walked backwards as he spoke, trying to place where he had seen her before.

"Do I know you?"

"Pretty sure I would know if you did. Do you mind moving?" He stopped and blocked her path, making her groan in frustration. She folded her arms and waited pushed him out of her way, walking faster. He kept up with her, a cheeky smile forming on his lips.

"You know, you still haven't thanked me for saving you."

"Oh, you want me to thank you? From what I remember you said it was a mistake. I don't blame you either, might have been for the best. At least if I got hit by a bus I wouldn't be stuck talking to you. Now leave me alone you creep!"

"Creep? Harsh words. I am sorry for doing something so forward but I need to see your face, know your name... I want to know everything, really. Wow. I am a creep. Who knew." He shrugged and chuckled when he saw the horrified look on her face. She was not finding it funny at all.

"Leave me alone, stalker!"

"Pretty sure we just happen to be going the same way- ah, here we are." They were both in front of a giant building with the words L'ecole Theatre Jardin at the front in big, gold, cursive letters. "I study photography. Guessing your major is makeup with photography as a side thing, right?" She opened the door and turned to him, sending him a death glare.

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