2 | The Milton Company

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Caroline's POV

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

Caroline's POV

"That will be 4,689 €." I pulled out my wallet, paying with credit card. "This one will suit you." The shop assistant commented as I instantly put on my newest fur coat. I checked myself in mirror, satisfied. "Like I said." The shop assistant smiled when I gave them a smile of approval. "Thanks to your shop, my collection can keep growing." I commented when I finished checking the coat. "We're so happy to have you shopping here, miss Milton. Would your father be interested into buying any of our suits?" The shop assistant added before I could leave.

"My father has a richer taste to say at least...but I can convience him. But it's only for you." I chuckled for the shop assistant to nod in enthusiasm. "Thank you, miss Milton! Thank you! By the way, we will have newest purses in one week, so we will save you the leather one of course." I got excited for a split second, some beautiful leather purse was always a need in the end. "Thanks, be sure I'll be there." I smiled playfully and with that waved them goodbye as security guy opened the door for me.

"Succesful shopping, I see." I chuckled as I approached the limousine and my driver. "You act like I ever picked a wrong fur coat." I teased as he helped me inside and poured me a glass of champange. "Besides...what's up with you being my driver today, Leamon? Where's Phill?" I asked. Leamon Heath was one of the top lawyers of my father's company. The infamous and legendary Milton company where my father was CEO, along side with me. Still, it was mostly his business. Not only the lawyer and law stuff in general. His business was something else.

I was just standing by his side, learning to be as good as him in future. You know, you never want to dissapoint your parents, no matter what situation it is. "I offered I'll drive you today, John said he needs to talk with you when you finish shopping." Leamon answered as he began to drive through the busy streets of New York City. "I worry you'll have to postpone the dinner with senator and his wife too." I sighed in relief, not about my father's wish to talk to me but the fact I don't have to dine with senator's wife.

She was rather...how to describe it, her fashion taste was acceptable but her heart was rotten like her apperance. But what would you except? This is New York City. Town of sinners. Better said; clients. At least for my father and I. As we passed another street, I began wondering what my father wants to discuss with me. "Thanks, Leamon." I said as he dropped me before my flat. The largest flat of street. Me and my father had our seperate huge apartments on same floor. 66th floor.

My apartment was filled with usual items and accessories and I had like 3 bedrooms although I lived alone. Not that I wouldn't meet a lot of men daily but somehow I couldn't quite settle. There were a lot of factors why...somehow it's for the safety of the other half, if I say it this way. I got in the elevator, fixing my look until I arrived on the 66th floor. The difference between mine and my father's apartment was that my Dad had only one huge hall with incredibly big fireplace, office table, seats and white baroque looking wall.

Devil's Professor | SEVERUS SNAPEजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें