7 | Seek Caroline

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Severus's POV

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Severus's POV

It was a deep night. Hogwarts was already asleep, including students and teachers. I had to be quiet to not wake anyone. During day it was impossible reach Dumbledore's office but at night it was 50/50. The only thing on my mind: Caroline. Since our last argue, she disappeared. Again. But this time I wouldn't leave it be. There were too many questions but no answers. And if she couldn't answer me, I was prepared find out myself. "Lumos." I mumbled under my breath as I finally made it to the needed shelf in Headmaster's office.

There were thousands, maybe even more documents about previous students, so it was harder than I hoped it to be. "1983, 1982..1980..." I was going through the documentary of each year until I finally found what I was looking. 1976. That was the year. The year Caroline vanished. I went through few papers until I finally get to Caroline's document. I sighed in relief but I changed my mind the moment, I found out it was rather empty. There wasn't enough information at all, except for name and old home location. I continued reading to not miss any detail.

"Parents: unknown. Guardians: Helen & Gabriel Holisteen." I read quietly. It was nothing strange have guardian or anyone take care of the child but in no other student document were unknown parents, only names or deceased. Then how come Lily could mess around, hurting Caroline with calling her a daughter of Devil's whore. Something was wrong. Caroline told me her grandparents were no longer alive. At first I thought it was natural death during their age but there was reason why Caroline left Hogwarts in 70s. "After sudden death of grandparents, sent to the () in care of ()."

I blinked as there were words missing. There was no sign of who become Caroline's guardian after her grandparents died, either where she lived after she vanished from Hogwarts. I hopelessly tried find more but there was nothing. It was all so confusing and strange, still I couldn't imagine what Caroline was going through. It was an innocent teenage girl against world. Had nothing more than grandparents and then she lost them too. And I wasn't there. Was it halfly my fault too? My pride disappeared same fast as it came. I tried blame someone who propably asked only for help.

Still, her whole change scared me. From the innocent girl, I spent my youth with to such ruthless woman who was thirsty only for money and power. There wasn't enough information to help me out and it was getting suspicious. What was I supposed to do? It can't be so late. Now that I knew she's alive, I had to find my way to bring her back again. Find her and fix what happened. But will she accept me? Will she accept to fix all what happened between us? I was worried the worst. The tiniest smile appeared on my face, when I saw her on the document.

That was the Caroline I remembered, the one I was happiest with. She was gone. Like everything that mattered to me. No one could answer me what happened back then than Caroline. Sure, I wanted know the truth but at this moment I didn't even want answers, I just wanted her back. I sighed sadly, putting the document back, thinking of what could have been. If only I could have turn back time. I would do things differently. And I would think twice who my first choice was. It was breaking me to realize, that I forever missed my chance and this was the result.

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