5 | Mirror of Erised

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Severus's POV

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Severus's POV

The Great Hall was once a place of peace for me, somewhere I could sit in and just mind myself. If I don't talk about all the annoying buzzing of the students, I could just relax. But that had changed when I saw Caroline in distance as Dumbledore glanced at her to take that seat next to me. Why she had to sit there? And why next to me?! I couldn't even look her in the eyes. This was awkward beyond comprehension. Dumbledore was watching us with great interest as we sat there in complete silence. I wouldn't dare say a word to Caroline.

If you saw the way she stared, you would understand why. I remained silent, after our recent outbrust it was for sure better that way. "Uhm...can you pass me salt?" Caroline suddenly muttered. I felt nervous as she spoke to me. She was showing a little sign of interest. For me, that was already a significant thing. As I passed her the salt, our fingers touched for a few moments. I quickly drew my hand away, but there was something that I felt. A little flicker of something deep inside me which told me that she weren't so hateful towards me anymore. It was the only spark of hope I had.

"Thanks." Caroline mumbled under her breath as she continued to eat her meal. I wanted to speak up, say anything. But I wasn't ready. I didn't want to test her patience yet. Instead, I decided to focus on the food before me. I tried to swallow my food but I couldn't. I could feel Caroline staring at me but I was too afraid to look up at her. Did she hate me? Or had she forgiven me? I didn't know. It was now time to take the risk. I looked her in the eyes and finally spoke. "You don't hate me, do you?" I asked this question calmly but firmly. I needed to know.

I couldn't let another day go by without knowing Caroline's true feelings for me. Because if I knew she still hated me, I don't know what I would do. After all these years, everything was one huge misunderstanding, yet my pride remained. "And you still love Lily, don't you?" Caroline cleared her throat, not even taking look at me. "I'm not going to lie, I...I do." I kept myself calm and steady as I spoke these words. I knew I couldn't lie about my feelings, especially not to Caroline. My love for Lily, was something I couldn't deny. Although my view on situation slightly changed after today argument.

Caroline gave me a fake smile which slowly turned into a death glare. "I'm not hungry anymore, better said, I'm sick to my stomach." Caroline muttered, standing up to leave the hall. Please not again. "Caroline, I..." I jumped up, desperate to follow her. I had to do everything in my power to stop her as I couldn't afford to lose her again. I quickly tried grab her wrist to make her sit back, which she instantly avoided. "You don't want me to make a scene before this entire shithole, do you?!" Caroline muttered, glancing over the crowded hall.

"Caroline, please don't leave. I..." I stopped for a moment, considering what I had just said. I took a breath and tried again. "I'm sorry that my love for Lily has blinded me to you. I..." That was my worst mistake as Caroline's eyes turned somehow even darker. She pushed my hand away and instantly exited the Great Hall. As I was sure no one was really paying attention, I went to look for her. As I walked through the corridor and spotted her, sitting on the stairs. I slowly approached her, nervous, trying to pick my words carefully. "Caroline...?" She didn't answer.

Devil's Professor | SEVERUS SNAPEOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora