Grace's rich boyfriend (26)

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In the morning, Finn was going to ask Jack what happened the night before, but he couldn't since he had to leave for work early. So, for the morning it was just Millie and Finn.
"Have you got anything planned this weekend?" Millie asked, exiting the bathroom walking into the kitchen.
"We were going to meet with the others but, they are all busy." He replied.
"Bummer. Do you know what they are doing?" She sat down at the counter.
"Nope. They just said they were busy. No details no nothing."
"Okay. And are we eating in for breakfast?" She asked.
"Sure, we can make pancakes?" Then he took out a whisk and a bowl.
"This is going to be fun!" Millie opened the fridge door and took out butter, milk and eggs. Finn poured in the milk, and cracked the eggs then Millie put the butter in. Before frying the pancakes, Finn wanted to taste the batter, which would soon lead to a disaster.
"Before we do cook the pancakes," he said, "I want to taste the batter!" then, he got a spoon.
"Is it safe to try raw pancake batter?" He shrugged
"I think people do it all the time!" Finn scooped a little bit onto his spoon and licked it.
"Can I try some?" She said, reaching to his spoon.
"No! Go get your own spoon!" Then he licked more of the batter, off his spoon.
"Jeez, okay! I was only asking!" She laughed. Anyway, she got her spoon and scooped a whole chunk.
"What! That's way too much!"
"Okay, you have some then," she whipped her spoon around and accidentally, the batter flew around. And one of the areas were Finns vest. She smiled at his reaction, which was shocked, but she covered her mouth soon after. Finn proceeded to scoop up good pancake batter, with his hands.
"Finn, wash your hands now!" She giggled.
"Nah, I'd rather wipe them, preferably on you." Then, he wiped his hands down Millie's shirt well, his shirt that Millie had borrowed. She gasped,
"This is your own shirt you know?"
"So?" He put more on her arms.
"Finn!" She squealed as he was now putting batter, on her shirt, arms, face. Millie started to run as Finn chased her around the counter, and once this cycle ended, she ran into Finns room using all his stuff as a shield and as you imagine, things got messy. Millie ran into the kitchen and grabbed the bowl, full of batter mixture. "Step back!"
"Or what?"
"You know what," she said. "This batter will be, on you!"
"Like you would do that!" He teased.
"Watch me!" Then, she threw the batter onto his face, getting all mixed up in his curls. For a moment there was silence then, Millie laughed before swiping her finger across Finns face, licking it.
"Millie! Oh my god!" He started to walk into the bathroom. "Millie it's in my hair!" He looked at himself in the mirror.
"You look ridiculous!" She laughed. "At least you taste great!" She walked in on him.
"Well, what are we going to eat for breakfast, beside me." But Millie couldn't answer for awhile because of her laughing. "Okay, it can't be that funny."
"Alright, alright." She wiped away her tears. "We can eat out then."
"Like McDonald's?" He asked.
"For a first date, that would be trash!"
"First date?" He repeated. "I mean, sure we can go on a d-date today but, maybe later on in the evening. We'll decide together."
"Ok." She smiled. "McDonald's it is then!"
"Okay but I need to get this stuff off my face." He said, turning on the tap.
"Budge up, I still have stuff on me!" So, together they washed them self's, in the small sink. "Oh shit, I don't have any clothes with me." She sighed.
"Oh. I might just have to bring the McDonald's back here then."
"Okay, I want a egg McMuffin and hash browns please."
"Sure, I'll be back soon." He kissed Millie on the the forehead before leaving.

It wasn't long before he got there since they only lived a couple of minutes away. There weren't too many people there but, the McDonald's was small so it was crowded. When walking in, he saw Jack and the others. Finn was confused since he thought Jack was working in the morning and, all his other friends were there when said busy.
"Guys? I thought you were busy." Finn said puzzled, walking to them. He also spotted two other girls and Caleb, he remembered one girl who dropped him off at Millie's prom and that other girl who helped him to ask Millie out.They were friends of Millie's; Grace and Sadie, but weren't they from Arizona? Why would they come here? "Oh hey Caleb, what are you doing here?"
"Should we tell him?" Caleb whispered. They all responded with a nod.
"Okay well, it was going to be a surprise but you caught us so..." Jaeden started.
"Look, we were going to do a fun little holiday for their graduation," Jeremy said, pointing at Grace and Sadie, who waved.
"We have been begging our parents for money and working our asses off to save up to this. We're going to a villa in Utah- Grace's boyfriend's parents, have paid nearly everything." Sophia said. "Look how nice it is! We're going after our college tours." Sophia showed Finn a picture on her phone. The villa was massive, it was all white and sleek, looking modern, and it had a big blue pool. It was beautiful.
"How rich is his parents? That looks like it could cost millions of dollars!" Finn asked.
"His mum is the fourth most important financial adviser, in the world, and his dad is CEO of vogue. He's stinking rich." Grace boasted.
"I still think she's a gold digger." Sadie whispered and everyone laughed. "So what you doing with Millie? Isn't she with you?" Sadie looked around.
"She doesn't have any spare clothes so she stayed at home while I got breakfast." He said. "And Jack I need to speak to you when we get home. Bye guys." Then he walked off to order food. When walking home, he thought about the trip; he was excited to go. Then he remembered they were going after their college tours, that's when the idea of college popped into his mind. He hadn't been able to talk to Jack about the offering of going on the college tour with him and the idea of actually going to college, if he went, he wouldn't know what to major in other than music. He was just better off majoring in music, it was his life after all and even if he didn't play, he alway listened. He got back soon after and I think Millie was more happy to see the food than notice Finn was here. They sat down at the kitchen counter and began to eat.
"I never got to ask, what happened to your TV?" She pointed.
"Oh-" he laughed lightly. "Jack, he broke it playing some game." Millie choked.
"A game? What like fortnite?"
"No, fifa I think."
"Nobody even plays fifa!" Millie laughed.
"Oh, I ran in to Sophia and the others, so as your friends and also Caleb, when I went to McDonald's." He said
"My friends? Why? I mean, we're from Arizona."
"Turns out, they were planning a holiday for you and your friends graduation. It's a villa Utah."
"A villa?" She was shocked, "aren't villas expensive? Or is it a crap one?"
"No, no!" He laughed, "Everybody has been working for awhile, apparently, and begging their parents for money though, Grace's boyfriends parents have paid basically all of it, from what I have heard."
"Grace has a boyfriend?" She questioned.
"Apparently." He replied.
"It might be that Jason or Jacob guy."
"Wait, who?"
"I thought..." she stopped to think.
"You thought what?" She sighed.
"It doesn't matter." She smiled reassuring him.
"Okay well, you know you can tell me anything." He put his hand on Millie's. She nodded. Finn thought she was uncomfortable so, decided to change the topic. "You said you wanted to go on a date, in the morning."
"Yeah I did, I'm sorry we can't go, I have no change of clothes."
"That's fine. I was just wondering when would you want to go? I would have to check with Jack and Sophia to see when we're going to the villa." He pulled out his phone.
"Yeah, okay. Maybe we could do even after the villa, but if Wednesday is good, if you're doing anything. Monday I would be packing for college, and the holiday also looking for a job in my college area, Tuesday I will also be looking for a part time job."
"Wednesday is good, my shift ends at three and we can go at maybe seven." He said which made Millie smile.
"Grace is going to be crazy getting me prepared for this date." They laughed.
"You said you were packing for college on Monday. What college are you going?" He asked.
"Some college in California, that has dorms, it's something like Redwoods."
"Oh, Jack was inviting me to come with him to that college for the tour. He said I should come college with him but, I'm not so sure. I don't even know how I'll pay or if I could get a scholarship!"
"Finn, no need to panic. We can worry about that later but I suggest you coming to college with me- Jack." She smiled.
"So I could definitely get a good education, and totally not be with you twenty four seven?" He questioned and Millie nodded.
"What would you major?"
"I was thinking music, maybe I could work at one of my favourite music HQ's. What would you major in?"
"Plant biology, I just like nature, as much as it doesn't  look like it, but I would love to help the environment and help the world, even it if it helps the tiniest bit. After that I would want to work for Florence, they have a makeup company and they would use our plants for their ingredients."
"That's a really meaningful job. I find it amazing that that's what you want to do." He smiled.
"Thank you Finnie." She chuckled. "Man, everything is gonna be such a rush for tomorrow, it's pretty much going to be a rush for three days."
"I could drop you off soon? Like say, three hours?"
"Okay, yeah. Thanks."
They finished up their food soon after and decided to binge watch, YOU. But, the time came for Millie to go home and since she had only her prom dress, she wore that with one of Finns hoodies on top, that was her second hoodie from Finn. They called a taxi from where they were at and like usual they killed time by talking. When the taxi got there, they their goodbyes, hugged and Finn waved Millie off until she could no longer be seen.

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