Ring (19)

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Millie squealed when getting out of bed, she was so happy and joyful she was gonna see Finn again, nothing going to stop her, at all! She wore her favourite dark blue dress, with white polka dots on it along with a leathered jacket. She packed a bag of essentials including, a tooth brush, a wash cloth, a change of clothing and Finns hoodie, not to return though, to wear. She quickly ate her breakfast which was, waffles and was so excited she even forgot to put on her shoes so, she quickly went inside putting on her iconic black trainers. She called a taxi and when she got on she instantly started messaging Finn. He was excited as she was but even more panicked, scared that everything would go wrong while Jack and Millie assured him that nothing would go wrong. Time flied by very quickly and soon after arriving, Finn came up from behind and grabbed Millie by surprise making her jump a bit, but she then turned around to hug Finn.
"Finn! Don't do that again!" She said playfully hitting him before they walked off to another bus stop.
"Why? That's boring other wise!"
"No don't do it because it's scary! She scared me." She said poking his freckled cheeks.
"I will never in my life stop pranking you," he said collided his hand with hers soft one.
"I'm kind of nervous to meet your friends."
"Don't worry! They are nice. Nice but weird." Finn added making Millie laugh which made Finn smile even more. "What about your friends?" He questioned
"Sadie and Grace are just...Amazing, they have been with me in the toughest of times, and even stuck by me when I wasn't at the best of times. We're like family, I have known them since we were like eight." She answered.
"Cool," he said then smiling at her. "Don't mind asking why you were so...?"
"Family issues."
"Been there." Then they looked up into the sky. "If you want before meeting them, we could look at the clouds for a bit, in a empty field. Just two of us?"
"Love to." So, when they got off their bus, they went to their field and laid down on the dry grass staring into the sky.
"Finn?" She got up, making him sit up too.
"Yes Millie?"
She stopped her self from saying something else, "I..."
"Are you okay?" he asked confused,
"Thanks for being a great friend." She sighed.
"So, how do you know all your friends?"
"Well before my parents divorced, they knew a whole neighbourhood of people and those neighbours had kids, who were Jaeden, Sophia, Chosen, Jeremy, Jack and Stanley. We all played together and became great friends. Then we moved out of LA..then my parents started to fight..then broke up. After I didn't wanna live with my dad anymore, I went back to Jack, I still had contact with him and found out he lived on his own so, I moved in. I owe him so much."
"What was it like living with your dad? If you don't mind answering!"
"Well. He was a dickhead." He began, "He always came home drunk and late from work. He would hit my mum and often hit me. He cheated on my mum multiple times and so, my mum moved out. She wanted to bring me with her but, I said I would stay here. To keep dad company, worst mistake of my life." Then Finn rubbed his eyes violently. "We should probably go." He said before helping Millie up and going some place else. Since it wasn't that long a walk to Jacks apartment. Nobody was there. Finn told Millie where to put her stuff before letting Millie sit down telling her everything that would be happening today, they got lost into another topic of some sort before Finn  got a call from Jack saying they should get going since, they were about to leave for snacks, so once again they left the apartment complex, hand in hand. They soon met up at a seven eleven to grab a bite to eat, finding a near by bench where the all nine of them could fit on.
"It's nice to meet you Millie!" Said Chosen, shaking her hand politely.
"Yeah! It really is, we have heard Finn talk so much about you. You guys must be close!" Wyatt said, taking a bite out of his chocolate.
"I would say we're close," Millie said, "aren't we, Finn?"
"Y-yes! Definitely."
"So where do you come from?"
"I came from England then, moved here."
"Cool," Jaeden said "You like it here?"
"I guess, it's kind of living in London, just a bit more chaotic." Then they lightly chuckled. "What you guys do for fun around here?"
"We do weird shit." Jack said, licking his ice cream. "We usually just, play pranks on random people. Go out for eating. Sneak into movies. We did ice skating once-"
"That wasn't pretty.." Sophia said cutting Jack off. "You twisted your ankle, causing another boy to fall over, Jack." Then they laughed.
"Do you remember when Jack also got stuck on a roller coaster?" Wyatt added, "Man you were screaming for hours! I think you even cried a bit." And again, they bursted into laughter.
"I think one of our favourite memories, are going into weird, sketchy, places." Said Jack
"Yeah, we would go into sewers and forests and abandoned places. We should do that again some time."
"Okay random question but, what is the most stupidest thing you guys have done?" Millie asked.
"I remember playing tag with a bunch of little kids on a five year play set. Our weight was way to much and we broke the bridge." Sophia answered, and everybody looked her surprised.
"The most stupidest thing I've done is get a new iPhone, only to drop it and break it afterwards." Chosen said,
"That's nothing, I've ate a tide pod, thinking it was fairy liquid when I was four." Jack announced.
"I thought it would be something more extreme!" Finn said shocked. Jack just shrugged.
They continued to chat for a full solid hour so, they decided it was time to go to the glow in the dark escape room. It was a was quite far away, so the time they would have gotten there, it would be dark which would be perfect, seeing as it was glow in the dark.
When they first arrived at the place, it looked very very, sketchy like somebody had chosen a random field to put a huge black box but, they entered. At first, it was breath taking, even though it was only glow in the dark. They had beautiful pieces of work, glowing and it looked simply amazing. Since they were very dumb teens, nobody knew a single thing what they were doing but every time they saw something that was simply broken or out of place, they thought that was a key to something and fifty percent of the time they were right, sometimes they weren't. Let's just say, most of the time they were screaming because of the jump scares but, they had a great time and of course, they went over the time limit to get out which was sixty minutes. They stayed double that time. Before heading back home, they went to another field, to watch the stars. The others went away, starting to play tag like they were little kids again.
"Today has been great," Millie began "Along your friends! They were really nice and funny." Then Millie quietly chuckled to herself.
"They definitely like you. See, nothing to worry about!" Then Millie sarcastically coughed loudly.
"I would love to see them again. But not as much as I would love to see you."
"Someone's got favourites!"
"What? I still like your friends." Millie lightly laughed.
"Oh! That remind me." He was beginning to get something out his bag. "I didn't have much time but, I got you a gift!" He handed her a light pink box. Millie's eyes lit up in joy. "I hope you like it." She took it from his hands and studied it for a few seconds before opening it. Inside she saw two silver rings. Finn looked over her shoulder, not remembering those two rings. He couldn't afford them, so how did they end up in the box. He was confused, until he remembered  that morning.
"Finn don't forget this." Jack quickly went over to the kitchen counter, before putting two silver thin objects in the light pink box. He then, jogged to Finn handing him the box.
"Thanks!" Finn took the box then before heading out to leave.

Finn looked over to Jack, who gave him a smile and a wink. Jack had bought those rings before heading out the shop, where Finn wanted to get those rings.
"Awh! Finn you really didn't have to!" She then went to hug him.
"Y-yeah, no problem." He stuttered. "Jack partly helped." He smiled.
"Thank you so much!" She then slid on the ring.
"It's supposed to be a promise ring. You make a promise and once you put on that ring, the promise never breaks."
"Okay. You will promise to.." she thought, "You will promise to, never leave my side and always be there for me and love and cherish me as a friend." They both beamed while Millie helped Finn put on his ring.
"Promise." Then, Millie gave him another hug, before kissing him lightly on the cheek. And they both blushed from the act.
"I love this gift so much Finn. Thank you, again." Finn gave her a smile, that in one way said you're welcome. She put her head on his shoulder while she still looked at the ring on her finger while Finn was looking up at the stars, noticing how beautiful Millie looked in the light of them. That night was beautiful, emotionally. It would be one of their favourite memories of their 'friendship' . They said goodbye to everyone and they all went home. When Jack, Finn and Millie got home, they watched a few vines on YouTube before going to bed. Millie got changed into some shorts and Finns hoodie, she loved it especially since it had his scent on it and I know it sounds weird but, sometimes she would sniff the hoodie to make her feel better or make her feel like he was with her.
"Hey, isn't that my hoodie?" Finn said walking into the room with a vest on.
"Not anymore. You give I keep." Millie then walked over to the bed, sitting down when arrived.
"So, if you gave me your phone for a borrow, that means I'm keeping it, right?"
"Okay, well in that circumstance no." They bother laughed after at the stupid joke.
"Okay well, goodnight." Finn said while laying out a bed for himself.
"Oh Finn, you can sleep up here." She patted an empty spot next to her.
"If you say," he then hopped on the empty spot, and laid down. And like last time, her bare legs brushed on his sweatpants. It wasn't long before their legs were tangled up too and Finns arm around Millie's waist and that's how they peacefully slept.

HUHA, I probably tricked you guys thinking that Millie and Finn would get engaged but...ur not that stupid. Are you? Hope you guys enjoyed! Until then!

Word count: 1945

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