Cliche (12)

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Hi :p

Millie was walking down the hall, when she heard the speaker speak.
"May Millie Brown, please report to the principals office, thank you." Millie knew she was in trouble, with her work or something that had maybe happened at home. She walked through the gossiping halls, that echoed Finns name, and walked quickly to the principals office. He gestured at her to take a seat, so she did.
"Hello Millie, do you know why you were called here today?" He questioned rather quickly.
"No, why?" She replied bluntly.
"Well, we see your grades are dropping so we assigning you with a A plus student!" And like magic, a knock was heard on the door, and Millie saw a girl with brunette waves and subtle blue eyes.
"This is Maddie! She'll be helping you study pretty much every day. I'm sure you'll have fun. You may be dismissed!" They then walked out of the office.
"I'll see you after school then?" She questioned, nervously.
"Looks like it." Then Millie put on a fake smile and walked away, into her next class. It was expected that she would be assigned a tutor, who wouldn't if their grades were dropping.
After school was finished, Maddie walked home with Millie and Millie gave her a house tour when they got there. When they walked up to Millie's room, Millie couldn't help but notice how familiar she looked, she noticed that face from somewhere but she couldn't make out where from. They got on with studying, and went a little off task time to time about other things, which then led to a full conversation. Maddie let Millie know her whole life story basically, how she grew up with a younger sister, she also has a dancing career, and she told Millie how she thought she was being followed, what a coincidence. Millie also opened up about some details in her life, how she had a little sister and two older siblings. Not anything else though really, just that.
"So you haven't had any close calls before?" Maddie asked smiling. Millie shook her head lying.
"Not really." She said looking up trying to 'remember' even though, she had numerous times.

It wasn't long before Maddie had to go home so she said goodbye to Millie before exchanging phone numbers. By now it was around five so Finn had to be in his room as usual on his phone or something. Then at seven Finn went out to drink, and didn't return for awhile. He didn't return, until two in the morning. Finn stubbled his way to his room in the dark, with a wine bottle in his hand. He locked himself in and wouldn't let anyone in, all you could hear for two hours, was his slurred voice saying things to Jack he couldn't really forget, he said personal things, about his life and...some sensitive issues that affected him...those words would probably never erase Jack. Finn didn't come out the next morning, or on the afternoon...he didn't come out at all to the point Jack thought he was dead, though he did hear moans of Finn coming from his room. Jack didn't was Finn to die so, he left food out for him to take from his door which was often gone when Jack returned. Those days turned into weeks until Jack thought it was time, to come in contact with a very important person.
Jack looked up every Millie who could on social media, and on random websites, so he could come in contact with her to talk about what's happening and she needed to come back but, that never happened. He didn't find anything about Millie. It was so hard since Millie was such a popular name, there was about seven in his school.
Then one day, Finn didn't take his usual order of his food that was left outside. It was stacked up to three big piles now and he hadn't taken anything. The noises from Finns room stopped, and it was dead silent when you walked up to that door, like nobody was living there. And when a day has gone past without Finn eating Jack finally broke down the door to see, a possible dead Finn laying on the ground, not moving. He rushed over to him, and frantically shook him, trying to wake him up but after thirty seconds of trying, he gave up. If he called the ambulance, Finn would be found leading him to, a danger that Finn didn't want to get into, but it was either Finn die or get caught, and the decision was pretty obvious. Soon, you could hear the sirens and see the blinding flashing lights come closer and closer until, they kicked down Jack's apartment door and took Finn away.

Finn woke up in the hospital, confused of where he was, then it clicked. He looked around the room, to see Jack, waiting there staring at the ground. Finn gave him a death glare. "I told you, do you know how much trouble I can get in?!" He shouted, lowering his voice.
"Okay first of all, no hello or, thanks Jack for saving my life you're my best friend! Second of all, I wasn't going to let you die and thirdly no, I don't know how much trouble you would get in, cause you never told me!"
"Well what you did was stupid-"
"And were not stupid." Jack said, cutting Finn off, which Finn gave a response by, glaring.
"So you would rather, let your life be gone then your identity? That's pretty stupid if you ask me!" He said, looking away with a sarcastic smile. "Are you actually going to tell me what happens if you get caught?" Finn stayed silent. He didn't even look at Jack when he asked the question, then Jack stood up from his chair and walked out of his room, slamming the door. Finn ran his fingers through his hair in stress, and looked around the room. He didn't know what he was going to do, he didn't want to go into foster care?! That was ridiculous. He tried ripping the needles, out of his arms. He looked for his clothes and got changed into them and then left. They couldn't keep him in, they didn't have a reason to. He caught up with Jack who was heading home, and when he saw Finn, he just sighed in Finn resulted into laughing.
"You do have some real mood swings Finn." Said Jack, elbowing Finn lightly in his stomach.

The day was pretty weird after that, normal but weird. They had a 'manly' talk about what's been going on and caught up, then Jack caught up the conversation about Millie. "You said some weird shit last night, about...stuff." Jack said.
"Sorry to bring you into that, it was probably the alcohol." Finn said shaking it off. Jack just nodded.
"About that girl, the one who-"
"Yeah Millie, what about her?" He questioned, cutting Jack off.
"Well, you seem mad about this girl, yet you don't speak to her, no wonder why she hates your guts." Jack said while Finn screwed his face up.
"I..I wanted to keep her safe."
"Well keeping herself doesn't mean breaking off all contact with her!" He said nudging Finn.
"Since when were you a expert?" Then they chuckled.
"So you really like this girl?" Jack questioned seriously.
"Really. I really do." He said looking back at him.
"Then you gotta take your chance before, it's too late." And for once, Finn didn't answer. He knew Jack was right, Millie was a very pleasant girl to be a around so obviously, she would be dating somebody quickly although, she has no current boyfriend.
"You know when you get to the bottom of the roller coaster? And you drop? That's how I feel towards Millie, the drop is my favourite part." And though Jack had never been on a roller coaster before, he knew what Finn was, trying to say. Jack looked at Finn who was first looking at the ceiling then looked at him.
"I know it sounds cheesy and all, can you know, tell me Millie you love her, in a special way. But not public incase something goes wrong."
"It sounds great but..I don't know if Millie feels the same..I...I don't know man." Finn said shaking his head in disbelief.
"But if you ever want to do that, come to me and we'll figure something out, together." And they both smiled, and went back to chatting.

As usual, Millie was in her room going on all social media's, watching every Shane Dawson series she could, it wasn't long before Millie fell asleep though, she wasn't tired nor was she feeling sleeping but, she silently went to sleep.
She woke up, in a place. It was completely black. No colour, no furniture no outside, no nothing, just a void of black. Millie walked on the wet floor for what felt like hours, then she saw Finn. She heard sobs coming from his direction, so with nothing else to loose, she ran over there. She tried to grab Finn but, he didn't see her, or hear her. After, he started to crawl backwards and he disappeared. Millie was shocked, she screamed his names, which with a response, was her echo. Then, she saw Finn, without a second thought, she ran to him but as she was going to catch him in her arms, he disappeared, just like before. This kept happening and happening, until Millie broke down into tears.
"I just want you Finn..." she sobbed through her echoing screams. As everything faded into black, Millie's eyes opened. She quickly sat up and gasped for air, she looked around to if everything was back to normal and it was. She sighed and hit her head back on the pillow, did this dream mean something? Millie thought as her eyebrows furrowed. I mean, even the thought of her loosing Finn worried her, even though he was already 'lost' and as much as she did 'hate' him, she definitely had strong feelings towards him. She thought and thought and thought, with her phone in her hand, wondering if she should call Finn and ask if they could 'work things out' so things would go back to normal. Like a silly cliche, cause that's all she wanted.

So. I have made it this far UHM, yeah. Hope u enjoyed!
Word count: 1758

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