On good terms (14)

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Hi how's your day?

Finn went to sleep well that night. The first time in many nights. Most nights he would be out smoking, drinking, in clubs but that night, he was sound asleep in his bed and for once, Jack could sleep too, not being distracted by Finn coming home late, listening to his cheesy sad songs or the feeling that something bad has happened to Finn. For the first time in awhile, Finn could actually come out of bed for a reason, he could actually eat breakfast then have his usual drug in the morning, he would read a book without being distracted by his cracked up phone, he would talk to his friends and Jack alongside Millie, without feeling unhappy between those moments, because he was with one of the people he loved most. He now had a positive attitude and didn't always mope around like he always did, he was now happier because of Millie. Millie was that reason, he got out of bed, Millie was the reason why Finn wanted to eat breakfast, she was also responsible for Finn communicating with people and she was also the reason Finn was happier. Because one silly walk and conversation made his life a whole lot better, no matter how cheesy it sounded. It was around two in the afternoon, while Finn was with Jack and the others. This was usual now, they met up around three to once in a week. Now, they were gossiping about some drama in the school, something Finn could not relate too, though he still listened and was shocked by their stories which were pretty bizarre, like some boys brother got lost, and was found in a sewer. He then got lost in a conversation of the phone with Millie, they were texting about random stuff and sent each other memes. Chosen, who was sitting next to him, often looked over Finns shoulder to see what he was looking at, which I know, sounds creepy but Chosen could be a little nosey at times. When they were going to away, Jack saw Chosen speaking to him, around the corner in secret, he found this a little suspicious, since if somebody in their group didn't really keep secrets, so when Jack and Finn were going out to speak, Finn decided to bring it up.
"What were you and Chosen discussing about back there?" Finn asked, and Jack put his hand behind his neck, rubbing it.
"Nothing, just some random meme he was telling me about." Then Jack looked away nervously. Finn nodded.
"So you weren't talking about, let's say, your girlfriend?" Jack went silent.
"Nope, just some..meme!" Jack said
"Not how your girlfriend is super hot and extremely rich? And how she lives in a massive mansion-" Finn said exaggerating each word,
"No, we were talking about..our dream car-" Jack lied, and Finn knew it.
"I thought you were talking about a meme?" Finn questioned now confused.
"Yeah, uhm, a meme about a dream car." Then Jack face palmed, because of how stupid he was.
"Whatever you say buddy." Finn said smirking the fact he knew he was lying and he had caught him. They silently walked into Wendys, and ordered something off the menu and the moment the waitress left, Finn said something.
"I know your lying," Finn said crossing his arms relaxed leaning back on the chair.
"Yeah but you can't prove it-"
"Jack, what were you and Chosen talking about?" Finn said, now looking Jack dead in the eye.
"Millie! How you were texting Millie and he said that you were now happier because of her! And that you really are in a daze! And some other cheesy shit.." Finn blushed hot, at the fact what Chosen had said about him and Millie, and how it was true. It was all true. Finn shut up after that and they just waited peacefully for their burgers. And after taking a bite, Jack said something, mouth full of food.
"So you like her then?" He said, shoving a piece of lettuce into his mouth that was hanging out.
"What's it to you?" Finn said looking away. Jack just chuckled.
"I know you do. You love her so much and you don't even know it." Jack said smirking. "You are so blind in love you can't even fucking see! You have went down on the drugs and alcohol, and it's all cause of Millie!" He continued, now Finn was getting red in the face of embarrassment and annoyance. "Fucking hell dude, all you talk about is Millie Millie Millie! I love Millie soo much! Oh Millie please don't stop, OOH MILLIE!" Jack said in a high pitched voice, drawing attention to him and Finn. Finn was sliding down his seat of embarrassment and wanted to die right there and then.
"Jesus Christ Jack! I love her okay? Is that what you wanted to hear?" Finn said whispering hiding his face. Jack smirked.
"Yeah, now we're even." Then they both laughed it off as a joke. "So you actually do love this girl?" Jack said finishing off his burger.
"I..I guess I do. I wanna be the one who puts sunscreen on her back. Be the one who holds her hand. I wanna cuddle with her every night. I wanna say I love you over the phone, but...I don't know if she feels the same way."
"You really do love this girl.." Finn nodded. "So.. if you could or ever had the chance to..you would take her on a date?"
"Yeah..yeah I would."

Grace and Millie were historically laughing at lame jokes and Grace every once in awhile teasing Millie about Finn. Sometimes in the middle of conversations, Grace would find Millie on the phone to Finn.
"So I'm gonna go Millie and while I'm at it, jump of the roof." Grace said, and in reply Millie just nodded and laughed at a text. Grace then snatched her phone looking at who she was texting scrolling through the phone.
"Hey give it back!" Millie yelled trying to grab her phone, but Grace moved backwards, avoiding her.
"Really? Finn love heart love heart, and another three love hearts and a boyfriend and girlfriend kissing emoji? With a holding hand boyfriend and girlfriend?" Grace said showing her the phone, Millie then snatched it back.
"That's personal stuff!"
"Yeah and I'm your best friend! We basically share the same life!" They then chuckled.
"So are you like, dating Finn now-"
"No! Wh-what?? Pft! F-Finn? Never! Like no, he's just.. noo!" She stuttered, looking at her phone.
"Okay.. do you atleast like him...at all?" Grace said stretching the word okay out.
"No! No! No! Huh! Finn? Noo!" Then Millie face palmed at her answer, seeing she had just repeated herself. "Ok, maybe I do like Finn." She admitted.
"I knew it. You are much happier talking to Finn. You're always on your phone or with Finn. Everybody knows." Millie just scoffed and smiled texting on her phone again. "Maybe you should ask sometime if you could meet up with his friends." Grace said putting a grape into her mouth. And just like before Millie scoffed.
"Why would I want to do that?" She questioned looking up at Grace.
"So you could get closer to him?"
"Yeah..That would be nice.." Then Millie continued to text Finn. Millie and Finn were pretty awkward now, it was the same as before, but every once in awhile Finn flirted to Millie, seeing if she got the hint and to that Millie teased. Millie obviously knew she liked Finn and Finn knew he liked Millie, sometimes Millie couldn't even think because the next day would be the day she would be meeting Finn, and that was happening. Millie was going to meet Finn the next day, and it would be usual, just like any other day. Right?

I think this is a pretty short chapter. Lol. I hope you are liking thee story so far and until then!
Word count: 1347 words.

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