Fire drill (18)

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If you haven't reread the last chapter, re-read it. Unless your reading this in the future, still re read it, it'll be important or it won't make sense.

Tomorrow, Millie was meeting Finn alongside his crazy group of friends that were family to him. So as usual, Millie was walking down to class and as she was walking in, she noticed that same Romeo boy waiting outside her class room. It couldn't be that Romeo had moved schools to come here? Maybe that's why she had a family dinner with their family, it was actually beginning to be more consisting of them and their families having dinner, they had one not that long ago, maybe two weeks ago. Romeo flashed Millie a smile while she was walking into her class so she gave an awkward one back, as she didn't want to be mean. She sat down next to Noah, per usual and they started their conversation.
"Is that the new kid?" Millie began
"Yeah. I heard about him," he answered, "Do you think he's cute?"
"Grace said the similar thing. Kind of. She said she was hot but in my opinion?" She glanced over at him, through the window, "He ain't my type."
"Here they come-"
"Alright class!" Said Miss, interrupting Noah. "We have a new student today! Make him feel comfortable please, this is Romeo. Take a seat next to Alison!"  (?? I randomly chose a name) so he peacefully walked over to Alison, everyone watching like a hawk. So her theory was confirmed, Romeo was the new boy. She went on with her day and ate lunch with Grace and Sadie, allowing Noah to tag along too.
"That new boy is in my class. He is hella creepy!"
"Didn't you say you were 'family friends'?" Noah questioned.
"Wait, Millie you never told us!"
"Well I didn't know at the time the new boy was Romeo, Grace!"
"Sorry!" Grace said. "Tomorrow aren't you meeting...?"
"Meeting who?" Noah queried.
"Nobody, his name is uh.." Sadie began, "what's his name Millie?"
"It's..It's Liam!" Grace blurted out.
"Liam?" They all questions and looked at Grace.
"Yeah, I'm meeting Liam!" Millie said playing it off, "Millie..." Noah said, looking deep into Millie eyes, "You never told me you had a boyfriend!" Then they all sighed gladly, knowing Noah wasn't suspicious.
"Yeah, I have known him for awhile now...I'm meeting him a lot now holidays are just around the corner..." She lied and luckily, they no longer had to lie no more since the bell had been rang. That was extremely unusual, they barely had eaten but then the bell went again. And again, until it was ringing non-stop. And then it clicked, they were having a fire drill. Everybody were now murmuring loudly while the lunch ladies tried to calm everyone down, they were evacuated to the school field, barely and they stood outside. The teachers then came, then returning inside after. They had not known why they had a fire drill, nobody had broke in or there was no fire though they knew something dangerous had happened, because the police showed up. They didn't let anyone inside for at least an hour, so people were pretty worried on what was happening. Soon after, they were led to get their bags and coats and they would leave after.They had at least four adults with forty children and three police officers to come and lead them to get their bags. They went silently and nobody said anything, everyone was completely oblivious to what was happening since they were told nothing, they were then told to walk home in pairs or groups and set home. So, Millie decided to go home with Sadie since Grace's and Noah's parents came to collect them.
"That was very weird. I wonder why they didn't tell us anything." Millie said.
"Yeah..Why were police there if nothing had actually happened." Sadie said in reply.
"No one broke in or there would have been a lockdown and there was no fire. Maybe something was in the school that was a danger to us."
"Or maybe it was something they didn't want us to see." And that statement made by Sadie, was completely correct and if you read on, you'll know why. 
"That is..that can be true. They didn't tell us anything so...we won't know. But why would they send us home to walk in pairs?"
"Safety reasons?"
"Most likely."
Millie found her self at home shortly after, then seeing her mum assuming that she was stressed out.
"Oh Millie darling, your home!" Then she rushed up to Millie and gave her a hug.
"Mum, what's wrong?" Millie asked sitting down and the counter table.
"I'm guessing they didn't tell you then.."
"Tell me what, mum?"
"Just...don't worry..Come lets watch the news." This was very weird of her mum, she always told Millie everything so, there was a reason why she was being quiet now. As requested, she sat down in the living room with her mum, watching the news. It was the same old boring news about politics and climate change and other stuff and as Millie was about to walk away, she heard a name that ringed a bell.
Hawkins high, closes down after finding a dead body hiding in their school premises. At 12:34, the school was sent into a fire drill, leading them outside while the school found a shocking discovery of a dead young boy who identified as one of the students, Georgie Denbrough...
It was that same seventh grader that I had heard everything about Finn. She gasped as her hands covered her mouth in horror and shock, she just couldn't believe it would happen in their school, right there. That was the news her mum was going to tell her, the news that now wanted to be unheard by Millie but was now, forever echoing in her head.
"M...mummy I know that boy..." her mum then walked up over to her hugging her, gracefully, even though Millie wasn't that sad. She was never close to the boy yet, she felt like crying. For no reason whatsoever.
After hearing that terrible news, she ran to her room not knowing if to tell her friends or not...

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