Followed (7)

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Millie stayed in her room for the majority of the day, cuddling up to Finns sweatshirt like it was him, that's when she got a call. 'Unknown' she read, she picked up the phone assuming it would be Caleb then she heard, heavy breathing. It was just breathing for thirty seconds "Finn?! Is this you? W-where are you?! I can come and get you!" She said intensely, biting her nails.
The breathing went on for a couple more seconds until the call ended. Millie was about to go in tears, realising it maybe could've been Finn, she quickly texted Caleb saying that Finn called and he replied almost immediately.

Caleb: what do you mean??
Millie: I just heard him breathing on the phone
I know Finn it sounded like him!
Caleb: did this just happen now?
Millie: yeah it did!
What do I do? Do I report this to the police?
Caleb: no.
Millie: why no?
Caleb: they might not believe you, they can say it was a prank call
Or something
The police won't help
Millie: how do you know for sure?
Caleb: I just do
Do it sound like he was outside or inside?
Millie: I don't know?
I wasn't really paying attention
It probably sounded like it was outside!?
I'm not sure
Caleb: we should try to look for him.
I doubt we will find him
Millie: no no
We can try to find him!
I'll even go now.

And just like that, she put on her coat and shoes and headed outside and began to look, wherever she could.

Finn had just questioned if calling Millie was right, if running away was right, but he had to go, he couldn't stay there any longer it would be too dangerous. He didn't want to make Millie or Caleb worry about him or be sad because he was missing, he wanted to go home so bad but he couldn't. But he couldn't just because it would cause bigger problems there then on the streets. Finn was okay this whole time well, if you call dumpster diving and hiding from the police and finding crappy places to sleep is okay. Right now, he was in an abandoned school bus left out in a field , he got many messages from Millie after calling her, like, 'where are you' , 'are you okay?!' And 'tell me where you are'. He didn't know Millie cared so much for him, nobody cared that much for him. With his hood down he walked to a familiar house, not far from where he was. He was only a roads away from Millie's house when, he saw someone exit the door. He saw Millie's wavy, short brown hair blow in the wind, as she was turning around to close the door. As she was about to take a step outside, she saw him. She saw Finn, she stared at him in disbelief and Finn smiled at her, knowing that she was okay.

Millie rubbed her eyes, to see if her mind was playing tricks on her but when she opened her eyes again, he was gone. Millie went closer to where he was before, and scanned the area more but she saw nobody, she didn't see Finn. She quickly took her phone out her coat pocket and began to call Caleb, who picked up.
"I saw Finn, I think I saw him?" She questioned herself now walking in the direction Finn disappeared.
"What do you mean think? Did you see him or not?" Caleb thought she was just playing with him, which wouldn't be cool.
"I saw him a couple blocks away from my house a-and then he disappeared after I rubbed my eyes! It was weird.." she replied, she did really think it was Finn but he went so fast, he was there one minute then gone.
"Okay well, could you try and see where he could've went in that direction?" He said, dedicated to find Finn.
"Yeah that's what I'm doing, call you later bye." And she hung up the phone, and started to jog anywhere he could have went. As she went she thought how he was right there and he could've came to her if he wanted to, but he didn't for some reason, all she wanted to do was find him but, he wanted to run away, atleast that's what she thought.

Millie had been all over town, no literally. She went everywhere she could, in stores on the streets, homeless shelters, fields, forests and even got lost for a bit, she even went in sketchy alleys.
It was getting quite late, Millie had been so dedicated to finding Finn, she didn't even realise it had been four hours of finding him. She had only known Finn for one night, how could she care so much about him? Others wouldn't care, maybe they thought he was just another missing person or, he was only a one time thing and he wouldn't matter again, but Millie? No, one night for her, felt like months, even years! As she was taking an empty street home, she heard a voice.
"Hey little girl.." not again she thought, why was it always her? She began to walk quicker, not answering the man back.
"What are you doing this late out at night?" He said trying to catch up to Millie, who replied with a very rude answer.
"Fuck off!" She shouted, speeding up her walk, this time she was going to be 'brave'.
"That's not how you treat your adults little girl." She put her middle finger up to him and continued to walk. Then he grabbed her shoulder and pushed her up against the wall.
"Get off me!" She kicked at him then screamed for help. Then she realised two shadowy silhouettes of a man appeared behind him. With all her mighty strength she bunny kicked him in her stomach, causing him to let go of Millie and stubble back to the ground as Millie ran. They didn't get the hint though and continued to run after her. Seconds after running, she heard shouts from behind her, then a few yells and thuds to the ground after a clank sound on the concrete. She looked behind her and saw a shadow of another person,
"Run!" So she did as she was to, but when she reached the corner she turned and waited for the person to go back, so she could follow them, to see who they were. So when they began to leave, Millie followed them, quiet as a mouse, making sure whenever they looked behind them she hid behind something.
They walked for an extremely very long time, until they were in a field that Millie had passed when she was searching for Finn earlier, they walked on the field for about twelve minutes then they reached, an abandoned school bus. When they were about to enter, Millie ran up to them attempting to take down their hood, when she was stopped by their hand, then they turned around revealing their face...

I think you might know who it is, it would be pretty obvious..I believe unless I'm going to twist it up hehe! I hope you enjoyed this if you didn't tell me why in the comments please! Until then! ✌️
What am I doing-

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