College (20)

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Okay, so I would just like to say, yes there a few things to cover still and every 20 chapters, a year or a few months passes. The reason why I wanted it to pass a year to go is so, the story can go a bit quicker cause, I wanna do some other things which will expand Millie's and Finns relationship even though I still have some plot twists to throw in. AnYwAy.
A year later...
It was now November, pretty much everybody were looking forward to going college and they were putting down their applications or were attending college, everybody were around the age seventeen to eighteen. To give you a quick update on everybody, Millie and Finn were still extremely close friends and Millie had also grown closer to Finns friend group. Millie, Grace, Sadie and Noah, we're still really great friends and now Noah has come along, it's been even greater. Romeo had to move out of town for unknown reasons and Finns missing report has become less important and now he is eighteen he's classified as an adult. And the majority of them had gotten a part time job to get ready for the college life. (Btw I'm going to put dorms in college cause why not?)

Millie had finished packing a few boxes in her room, seeing as she would be moving out on the upcoming Monday. She laid down on the bed, remembering the nights she had looked up at the stars with Finn, then closing her eyes to see it vividly. Not long after, she heard a knock on her bedroom door, her mum had come in with Noah.
"Hey honey, I thought you might want to see a friend!"
"Hi Noah! Good to see you!" Millie said closing the door, forcing her mother to leave the room.
"Yeah! I see you're packing for college." He sighed. "I wish I was going this year, instead I have to wait a few months before going." He then sat down on the bed, where Millie joined him.
"I would love to wait a few months. Even a few years!"
"What?! How about the college parties? Boys?" Noah questioned.
"I don't really like going to parties that much. After what happened last time. And I have to study Noah, I can't always be thinking about boys!" Even though she was thinking of Finn whenever she could.
"You know, I always thought Romeo and you had a thing. I guess not."
"Yeah I don't even like Romeo anyway. He's weird!" She said. "It feels so weird knowing I'm going to go college on Monday, then in a few days time I'm going to last day prom. Crazy." She sighed.
"Do you know who you're taking?" He asked.
"I was planning to go with Sadie and Grace. You know, girls thing?"
"So you're not gonna take a boy?" Noah took Millie's hand.
"Nope. Boys are too much trouble." Except for Finn, of course he was trouble but, she kind of liked that trouble. Noah looked down at Millie's hand, then he took Millie's middle finger, and saw a ring.
"I've never noticed you had such a nice ring..." then he examined it. "When did you get it? Who gave it to you?"
"I got like, more than a year ago. It was bought for me as a gift, it's a promise ring. A guy gave it to me." Then she remembered Finn, and smiled in memory of him. She hadn't seen him in over two months, that's why she was excited to see him in a few days.
"A guy?"
"Yes a guy Noah, and I'm not telling you which!" Noah after stuck out his tongue. "Man it felt like yesterday you got stuck in a chair." She said. "Even thought you get stuck in everything all the time." They laughed, before chatting more about memories of being a kid.

"Man I'm so excited to go to college! Something new!" Jack squealed, looking around his room which was filled up with nothing but boxes.
"Yeah, sounds cool." Finn sighed.
"You are really missing out on childhood. Well you did, you are eighteen now. I have to remember."
"So, do you know what you are going to major in college?" Finn asked
"I always thought chemical engineering would be fun." Jack answered, "How about you?"
"I know it sounds weird but, a computer engineer sounds cool." Finn shrugged.
"Do you want to go college?"
"It's not like I have the money."
"There's a thing called, community colleges? Student loans?" He listed
"But, it's too late now. Everybody has applied. And I don't think I can apply, I'm still missing. Remember?"
"You're an adult. It doesn't matter anymore!" He punched Finn shoulder. "And people always enrol in college at the age eighteen! Yet people are enrolling in seventeen. You will blend in perfectly." Jack said reassuringly. "Look you can even come on tour with me, it'll be fun! And if it goes well..."
"Going college? I don't know man."
"It's a laugh! Don't worry." Jack said.
"Fuck, fine." Finn pinched his eyebrows. He wasn't mad at all though, he was more than happy. "Even if I do go, who'll be paying? Your parents are paying for you!" Finn questioned.
"Scholarships? Student loans? You can even go to a community college if you want to go to a college so badly." Jack stared at Finn who was looking at the ground, thinking if this was the right decision. "You know if Millie's going college?"
"Okay wel-"
"Do you know?" Jack asked again, being persistent.
"Yes, and? She told she's going to some college in California. I think it's, Reedley College." He thought. "Isn't that the same one you're going to?" And he nodded.
"Yup. Everybody is applying there this year. Meaning you can go to the same college as Millie. And me. And Sophia."
"Okay, I'm in. O-only if I like the place." He stuttered.

Okay so that's a little sprinkle of taste to show you what ya getting for the year. I hope you can enjoy this story and ya. Reminder, I don't really know what I'm doing with colleges and stuff but I have done my research on America and you have to be 18 to attend college and there are SOME colleges that have dorms in California so if you guys are experiencing college life or have heard about college life, give me feedback. Until then!

Word count: 996 

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