Missing (6)

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Millie waited in the park, the sun was beginning to set. Every time she saw somebody, she thought it might be them, that 'unknown' person.

It was around five fifteen when she saw somebody with a blue hat and a black shirt with grey joggings, she assumed that was them since it looked like they were searching for someone, then he spotted her and gave her this look and she gave it back. He ran up to her and asked if she was Millie and she nodded.
"About Finn." He started. "The last time I saw him was at-"
"The party," Millie cut him off.
"Yeah, I saw him there. We chatted for a bit and Finn said he was going to use the bathroom, then he didn't come back." He tried to think.
"He came into the room I was in and.." She stopped, "Well...he helped me, and offered to take me some place else. His music studio." Millie said, also trying to think, "Then he dropped me off at my house and I gave him my number. Then he never texted me or called. I never saw him again after." Then she looked at Caleb.
"I'm worried he got in trouble with his dad.." he looked down,
"Why what would his dad do?" She now looked at him intensely. He shook his head. "Bad things. Probably torture him, I don't know! It's like he hates Finn and wants to keep him to himself. Like an, abusive relationship." He shook his head again,
"There can be a way to find out." She thought aloud though Caleb knew it was too dangerous.
"I don't know man, I mean I think we should just report this to the police." Caleb suggested, even though he wanted to find Finn himself.
"Maybe we should check at his music studio?" She hoped, Caleb shook his head.
"No I called his band, they haven't seen him at any of their meet-ups. He would've called them if he couldn't make it." He answered.
"So then what can we do? The least we can do is look for him and that... I don't know." She looked more upset now then before.
"Look I... I'm not sure, I could try and call everybody I know to try and see if they've seen him?" And so he did, call after call after call, the answer was still no, they did find out that his school had reported him missing and his dad was arrested so Finn was being searched for, but that was the only information they got. "Look I think we should just call it a day, it's nearly six now and atleast we know other people are searching for him." Caleb said, trying to smile to reassure Millie.
"I guess, I'll tell you if I have any news...."
"Caleb." And then he walked away.

Millie still walked everywhere she could, hoping to find Finn but she got nothing so, she started to walk home. She was quite far away from home and she had no more money for the bus so it was going to be a long walk, and not that long after a fourteen minute walking, she heard somebody walking behind her, it was probably just someone taking the same way home as her or taking a short cut possibly. Then she heard a ring from the person behind her, that's when she ran but she heard the same person running after her. This is when she started having difficulties breathing and she started to slow down. This was pretty unusual of Millie since, she had run track in middle school and she had kept her speed up, but she was starting to sweat and it felt like her airways were being blocked up. She was so close to home, but the footsteps kept following her then, they suddenly stopped. She looked behind her and saw a silhouette of someone, they were just standing there. She quickly ran into her house, and slammed the door shut and broke down behind the door sliding down until her mom reached her. She still couldn't speak and had difficulties breathing, having flashbacks of party, thinking the same thing was going to happen with that man while, her mom was by her side saying, it was going to be okay and said she was there and not to worry, she told my older brother, who was staying at the time, to get the phone and call the ambulance.

There wasn't anything wrong with Millie, she just had a panic attack so they sent her home the next day and suggested for her to rest. So for the next couple of days, Millie had to stay at home to 'ease her mind' and other stuff, she really bored even though she occasionally chatted with Grace and Sadie. No news about Finns report, nothing at all.
Millie's mom saw how bored and sad she was so she suggested Millie went out and did something energetic, so Millie went out. She didn't invite anybody with her she just went alone by herself. With nowhere to go, she decided to walk to Finns house. Just to make her feel better in some way. Making it feel like he was somehow still there. Nobody lived there now, his father got arrested and Finns stepmom couldn't afford the house so she had to move out. The house looked really quiet now, and peaceful.
She had to break open the door by doing a run up and then pushing it since, the door was locked. She fell onto the ground as she entered and looked around. Everything was in boxes and the house looked empty, it looked very depressing now. Millie explored something rooms then, she found Finns room well, apparently Finns room, she looked around and even opened some boxes which contained some of Finns things in it, she found posters, some old records, clothes, collections of music! And when she was about to leave his room, she took a hoodie with her to remember him by. Then she left the house, and walked back home.

The chapter was pretty much all over the place, but I hope you thought it was good until next time

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