Gone (5)

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Hi again, I'm glad you're reading!

Finn went home with a new number on his hand and a smile on his face, knowing he would sleep well tonight. He thought well about that boy he knocked out, he wanted to make sure he wouldn't do that again to anybody especially Millie. He thought if he ever found that person again, he would make his life hell.

Finn got home around one in the morning. You could imagine how mad his father was, when he opened the door to his house, he found his father waiting on the couch for him. He looked furious.
"Finn. Do you know what time it is??" He said quietly. "It is ONE in the morning! ONE." He continued, "I have been WORRIED sick!" His father stood up and walked up to Finn. "What have you been doing Finn??"
"What part do you not understand about grounded?" His father grabbed Finns arm, forcing him to look up at him. "Get out of my sight!" Finn was shoved out the way, while his dad went upstairs. Then Finn went upstairs after his father wasn't there.
He went to his room and changed his clothes and looked at the ceiling till he fell asleep.

In the morning Millie's phone was blasted with texts from Grace,
54 missed calls and 77 unread texts.

Millie: Grace?
Grace: oh my god I thought you were kidnapped!
Where did you go?
Millie: it's a long story.
Grace: we can meet up and talk about it if you want?
Millie: sure I could do with some coffee.

Millie then got dressed and headed outside to Graces house.
There, they decided to talk and after Millie managed to get all she could get out to grace, half in tears, Grace deeply hugged her.
"I wish I could have been there for you!" And hugged her again, "How did you get out?" She asked Millie.
"Someone came in and...they knocked them out then offered to take me away from the party, so I accepted. They have my number so-"
"Is it a boy?" Grace exclaimed.
"Yes, why-" Grace squealed when she heard Millie say that and immediately replied with, "Do you like them?!"
"No! No! No! P-pft! I-I don't know wh-why you would think th-that I l-like him!" She stuttered and Grace gave her this 'look' because she knew Millie was lying. "Why are you looking at me like that!" Millie blushed, but she clearly knew why. "What's his name!" Asked Grace.
"Finn, but why do you need to know?" Millie shot back,
"Because...I do!" Millie lightly smacked her with a pillow so then grace hit her back then, a pillow fight started and ended after three minutes going back and forth. "Have you texted him?" Grace eagerly asked. "No, not yet. And no I'm not letting you text him!" They laughed together, "Okay, but you have to make a move before it becomes nothing!" And for once, Millie didn't reply, Grace was right but still she didn't text him and nor did Finn.

When it was Monday she still got no message from Finn,
"Millie...Millie!" It was Sadie trying bring Millie back from her phone.
"Oh sorry, yeah?" She put her phone away in her pocket so she would have Sadie's full attention.
"Millie your always on your phone now, what's happened?" Sadie asked with a concerned facial expression.
"Nothing! I promise you." Millie said trying to calm Sadie down, she knew how nosy she could get at times, just like Grace. Then the bell rang and she walked to 1st period with Sadie.

Finn was running late for school as he could see it was nearly nine, he had to rush everything even forgetting to eat breakfast and when he was about to exit the door, his father called him. He knew it wasn't going to be good, so with a brave face he headed up to his dads room, it's just gonna be another yelling he thought. He saw his dad with his phone in his hand, he was on his phone. He knew he was going to get in massive trouble. After checking for about five minutes on his phone, Finns dad headed downstairs, into the garage. "Dad! Where are you going? I don't understand!" Finn shouted trying to reach his dad who was walking extremely fast. He still ignored Finn until, he reached the garage and got a hammer out from their tool box then he put Finns phone on the floor. "Dad don't do it that has all my stuff on it-" he saw his father going red in the face minute after minute. "FINN SHUT UP! YOU ARE A DISGRACE TO THE FAMILY. AND NOW YOU ARE DOING DRUGS?! YOUR DRINKING?! YOUR SMOKING?! AT AGE SEVENTEEN." Mathew shouted, Finn was terrified he had never heard his father shout so loud in his life before, thats when Finn made a very stupid choice by, pulling his father away from smashing his phone but, his father was stronger then him and pushed him off making Finn stubble back on the floor, and his dad dropped the hammer on his foot causing him to jump and Finn ducked down, and took his phone back, then he ran to his room and locked the door. His father ran to his door and banged on it furiously. "OPEN THE DOOR." Finn looked around seeing how he could escape from his room, but it was too late, his father got in just when he was about to go out the window. His father threw him down to the floor and tried to take the phone off Finn, but Finn didn't let go. his dad was getting very annoyed now and he didn't want to wait any longer. "FINN GIVE ME THE PHONE." And Finn stupidly stood up for himself. "No!" He said and pushed his father away with all his strength. Then Mathew, grabbed Finn by the neck, and punched him in the face, making Finn stubble back. "What the fuck?!" He screamed at his dad, who smiled like a psychopath and punched Finn again and again, until he was all black and blue in the face. His eye was turning blue and green, his nose dripping with blood, bruised up and a single sleek cut on his jawline. Finn spat at him with his cut open lip which caused his dad to have bloody spit in his eye, that was Finns cue to take his phone and run out the house, so he did. He ran and ran and ran, not looking back, he just knew that he wasn't going back now. Ever. He got weird stares from strangers and even got called a few rude names but that didn't matter now. He must have walked all day without stopping because it was getting darker. He was exhausted, hurt and hungry. He found an empty street which wasn't that far from his school, and sat there, he just sat there.

A couple days later, and Millie got no messages from Finn, if only she knew what happened. Millie was always sad because, she really liked Finn deep down inside,  and even thinking about the bad things that might have happened with Finn made her depressed.

When Millie was just watching Tv in the living she heard her phone ding, with high hopes of it being Finn, she checked her phone.

Millie: Finn?!
Unknown: its not Finn
Millie: who is this then
Unknown: it's Finns friend.
How do you know Finn?
Millie: it's not really any of your business I just know him
Anyway why isn't your friend texting me?
Why are you texting me?
Unknown: I was hoping that you know where Finn is?
He hasn't been showing up to school lately and I don't see him
Millie: so you're saying Finn is missing?
Unknown: yes
He hasn't shown up to school for 6 days now, it might be cause of
His dad, he even took Finns phone away
Millie: is there any chance we can meet up and talk about this?
Unknown: ok can you come to Kingston's park?
Millie: sure I'll see you there at 5.

It was kind of dumb of Millie to meet up with a stranger, but she could trust them, they did know about Finn and his phone being taken away so, she could trust them right?

How did you like this chapter? Let me know in the comments and always give some feedback if you can! Thanks for tuning in! <3

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