Party planning (21)

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It was another boring lesson in class on a Tuesday, the only thing exciting about this game was possibly Grace and Millie getting to plan out the last day of school party for seniors. Millie just couldn't stop thinking of it and would often doodle ideas in her notebook, barely paying attention in class. The lessons went by pretty quickly and by the end of the day, Millie and Grace were in the old assembled hall, that was where the after-graduation party be, when all the speeches are finished and they are handed their diplomas. So in the hall there would be, a food and drink table, other tables and chairs set out, a dancing area, boom boxes and also balloons. A lot and a lot of balloons. The whole theme was going to be gold, silver and bronze so, it would be pretty blinding that night. Now Millie and Grace had finished partly their planning, they had until Friday to buy, design and decorate everything. By the time they were finished with their planning and wanted to go back to Millie's house, it was pretty much already dark so, they decided to take the bus. All they could talk about on the way there is the party, they were so proud of it and thought nothing could stop them in their way now. At least for the moment. Exhausted, when entered her house, they rushed to Millie's room and collapsed on her bed.
"Hard work today?" Millie asked.
"Kind of. We should probably get more help decorating the second time." Grace suggested.
"Yes we definitely should. I just can't believe we were chosen to take care of the whole party! We could have been really lazy and not done anything."
"Maybe we were chosen cause we are creative." Grace pointed to her head.
"I'm pretty sure that happened last time."
"Yeah, the principal left his kid in charge of the party. He didn't care and ended up going on holiday the last day of school."
"Man I would hate to be them." Said Grace. "Was it Joes Keery's grade?"
"It was them or the year after them. Whoever it was, i feel bad for that senior year !" They then went
silent for a bit. "is there going to be a theme for the party?" Grace questioned.
"Yeah, we should probably do that. What about a masquerade party?" Millie thought
"Yeah, that would be a great idea, we will just inform everybody and tell the principal or whatever."
"Since that is sorted, wanna watch Harry Potter?" Millie asked.
"Sure, I can't remember what happened in the first movie." So then they down stairs in the living and started to watch TV.

Finn was finishing up work a bit later than expected, but went home. He caught up with Jack and for the first time in awhile, they were eating in. If you could count ordering food eating in technically. They ate their Chinese food, talking together since that was their only entertainment now for Jack had broken the TV while playing Fifa.
"Most colleges you need to have a diploma." Finn started.
"What?" Jack said, mouth full of noodles.
"You know? The college your going into?" He questioned. Jack nodded. "Well, I need a diploma and I never did graduate school."
"Can't you get an online diploma or something?"
"I don't think it's that simple sadly." Finn sighed. "I think you have to take GED courses or something."
"We'll work it out. Don't worry." Jack said. "Still, come to the tour, it'll be fun. Somehow." They laughed, before beginning to take another bite of their noodles. "So when are you meeting Millie again?"
"I'm gonna see her tomorrow, even though it's a school day. We're just going to meet up."
"She would be able to sleep over but it's a Tuesday so, she still has school and we'll, that doesn't really work out." Jack said. "Why are you meeting her tomorrow?"
"Well, I don't know. Maybe she wants to tell me something. She did say something about organising her last senior year party or something."
"When did she tell you?"
"I think it was Monday or last week Saturday."
"Do you think she might bring you?"
"What?" Finn asked confused.
"Like bring you. Like it's a prom? And you have a date?"
"What? Millie and I are just friends!"
"Okay firstly, you can still go as friends, secondly, I know you have feelings for her."
"I know but, I don't want to tell Millie that I have feelings for her, it might ruin our friendship and I rather have a friendship then nothing. I mean, she might like me? She gives me occasional kisses on the cheeks and I give them back! I flirt to her and she would flirt back. There's something about her that no other girl has, you know? Maybe it's her eyes, her smile her personality or her inner beauty. Maybe it's all of them!" Finn said going off in a tangent.
"But what do you want Finn?"
"I want her to love me. That's all."
"Then make it happen!" Jack suggested. "Ask her out on a date. Go on a nice dinner! Simple."
"It's not as simple as it looks. She might reject me."
"If you don't ask her now or later in the year, she'll possibly find someone else. When you go college or uni, you meet a lot of new people! And just like that, she'll be taken and that love which was mean't for you, will go onto some other guy. So make your move dude!"
"Ok. I will...sometime." He said quietly,  Finn then gobbled down his noodles making sure that Jack, wouldn't hear what he said.

A bit of a short chapter but, in the next chapter I will be fitting in Millie and Finns visit which idk where is gonna go yet! Until then!

Word count: 989

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