Chapter 12

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Trigger warning: mentions of rape/non-con


6 years ago something happened that changed the relationship between the Rathavit family drastically. Time remembered that day as clear as water, the horrific expression of his older sister as she curled into herself in the corner of her dorm room.

“Shouldn’t Malee be here yet?” his father asked him, his head resting on his hands, elbows firmly planted on the table in front of him. “We need to discuss the matter of the marriage.”

Time stared at the food in front of him, a lobster as red as the tie around his neck, and if it wasn’t for the countless family pictures hanging on the wall, he’d feel like he was being choked.

“I wanted to talk about that, father…” he began, hesitantly lifting his eyes to look his father in the eyes. “It has only been six months since your fight with Kiet, I think you should wait until you marry P'Malee off to the rival company.”

“Shouldn’t Malee be here yet?” his father asked him, his head resting on his hands, elbows firmly planted on the table in front of him. “We need to discuss the matter of the marriage.”

Time frowned worriedly, wasn’t there something he could do to protect Malee? She was only a first year in university, she still had her entire life ahead of her.

When he didn’t answer right away his father spoke again in a much more colder tone, “Time.”

I will go,” he answered immediately. His sister was already an hour late, something that scared Time. Malee was usually a reliable person, and was always on time. What had happened for her to be late today? A small part of him hoped that Malee ahd ran away so she wouldn’t have to marry a man she didn’t love.

He wasn’t even sure if they had seen each other yet, but what he did know, was that the Medthanan family had two sons; Tul Methanan and Tin Medthanan.

Tul was known as the sweetheart of the business world, always being described as the “hottest bachelor in Thailand" by reporters.

Tin, on the other hand, he knew nothing about. Apparently he was overseas at a prestigious private school in England. There wasn’t even one picture of him on the internet.

The chair creaked as he pushed himself up, his father watching his every move with a piercing stare.

“I give you thirty minutes to be here with your sister.”

Time nodded, not having another choice, and made his way out of the dining room. They had lived in this house, no, mansion was the right word, for as long as he could remember.

Back when he was still young, he felt like a prince in a castle. He used to dance with an invisible partner in the giant hallways that were decorated with pictures of relatives he didn’t know, and chandeliers hanging off the ceiling. The soft light always made him feel like he could do anything he wanted.

Now, he felt like a prisoner in his own home, and all of the sudden the look in the eyes of those unknown people were judging him from all angles.

He stopped dancing when he was thirteen.

When he arrived at the dorms his sister was staying at, he immediately felt more at ease. Knowing that as soon as he graduated from high school he’d be able to live in dorms too, meaning he didn’t have to be trapped in that prison anymore.

The fountains at the front were still as beautiful as he remembered them to be when he stepped inside the building.

The interior was decorated with big, comfortable velvet chairs, his favorite color, in which the students could rest after an exhausting day of classes. The only thing that seemed weird was that no one was there. It was completely empty, and Time frowned before making his way to the elevator.

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