Chapter 6

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This won't turn into Your Lie in April, I swear xD Also, We hit 1k reads, THANK YOU SO MUCH!


Can swallowed as he stared at the envelope in his right hand. It was sealed with a red seal that had the form of an eagle, the wax was carefully placed and it looked like something you would receive as an invitation to a prestigous ball dance. The longer he stared at the piercing eyes of the eagle and the bold letters that were written at the very front, the more nervous he became.

His eyes hastily searched his room for any movement or camera that may had been placed by him. Thank god, everything seemed clear. For now.

He let out a breath and sat down on his bed, the letter still held tightly in his shaking hand.

Seconds passed until he threw it to his side.

"How stupid..."

The words were bitter on his tongue. In truth, he was scared out of his guts.

Refusing to acknowledge the obvious problem he had on his plate, he threw the letter into the trash bin beside his desk, making sure to crumple it well enough before throwing it over his blue carpet.

The sweat was still cold on his forehead, and he wondered if he maybe is becoming sick. You weren't supposed to feel cold in a hot country like thailand, right?

Can's head his special pillow he got as a birthday present to his sixteenth birthday and closed his eyes. The light was turned off the whole time and he felt a sudden tiredness take over his body.

Soon enough, he fell asleep with sun setting outside his window.


Tin walked down the long hallways of his college, white walls almost blinding him in the process. There in the international college department of their school everything was way more clean and neat tha in normal classrooms.

At first, Tin saw it as a sign of superiority. If their buildings were cleaner and, over all better, then the people going there must be too, right? Things soon changed when he actually met people.


He shook his head and people must had looked at him strangely. Well, he couldn't care less right now. He needed to find Pete, the thought of that keychain not reaching Can gave him a weird feeling, and he only wanted to make sure that everything went alright. Yeah, that's all.

Tin didn't know why he got such a strange feeling in his gut when he thinks of that little football, it wasn't even his, for god's sake. He definitely shouldn't feel so attached to it.

He finally reached the room where Pete had classes in and peaked inside, searching for a certain boy with hazel hair.

Students walked past him and with some he even bumbed shoulders,  but it didn't bother him too much. He was the one that was in the way in the first place.

After scanning the room for a few seconds he decided that Pete wasn't there. But where was he if he wasn't there? Tin was sure that he had this class, but the again, he didn't have the best memory out there.

He frowned and was about to leave when he felt a tap on his shoulder.

His eyes locked with hazel ones, and he mustered the person smiling at him. Brown hair, red lips and a slim body. His eyes met the woman's again and he smiled, not wanting to be rude.

He didn't know this person, and the last time he checked people were still afraid of him, calling him 'the ice prince'. Usually nobody would even dare to strike up a conversation with him.

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