Chapter 8

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Hello everyone, I just wanted to thank everyone for leaving comments on my updates. I can't even begin to describe how happy it makes me when you comment that you enjoy this story and are looking forward towards the next update. Just- thank you, it brightens up my day and gives me motivation to continue writing. Thank you so much.


Can stood infront of this huge modern door, the door that would lead him to the one who found his keychain, the one who refused to speak at a freakin' hospital, but also the son of one of the richest business men in their country.  To say that he was nervous was an understatement, his feet were trembling as he read the sign at the entrance: Medthanan.

He wanted to turn around the second he saw the gigantic windows that were decorated with various plants that looked outright stunning, the colors strong and sparkly. As one of his friends told him: 'The richer you are, the larger the windows'

But something inside of him was urging him to talk to Tin (he figured he should call him by his actual name instead of a silly nickname), so he hesistantly lifted his hand to ring the doorbell.

The doorbell was a piercing 'Rrrring', making him question the intention behind having such an annoying sound as their doorbell, did they mean to make their guest wanting to run far away as soon as they heard it?

Some time passed before the door finally opened and Can was face to face with a tall man whom he recognized as Tin's older brother, Tul.

Can looked up at him while the other looked down with a curious expression, and he struggled to find the right words, "Uhhh.."

"You are?" said Tul, he was surprised when he opened the door only to find a short boy he had never seen before. But the thing that immediately caught his eye was the cheap clothes the other wore. Never in his life would he leave the house with a t-shirt that had a cactus singing together with an dog on it. It was hideous.

"My name is Can," he wasn't used to talking to important people, "I'm here to see Tin."

Now that caught Tul's attention. Why was this low-class person visiting his beloved little brother? Well, he sure as hell was going to find out.

"Oh, is that so," he smiled sweetly and opened the door wider for Can to step inside, "Come in, then."

Can stepped throught he door frame and was hit with the impressive interior. How high is that ceiling?, he gaped at the ceiling that held a giant chandelier, sparkling everytime the light hit it just right. He knew that the Medthanan family was filthy rich and that his own couldn't even begin to compete with it, but never in his life did he expect to actually see such a beautiful interior in his life. Honestly, for him it felt like a modern castle.

"Tin is upstairs," Can's eyes flashed over to Tul who still stood in the hallway smiling sickingly at him, hands behind his back, "rooms are labeled, you should find it easily."

With one last look at the chandelier and Tul, he made his way upstairs. Not before taking off his shoes of course, he didn't want to dirty the expensive floor that was probably made out of marble or another fancy material he never heard anything about.

The hallways looked endless and he wondered how he was supposed to find one specific one between all the other ones. 

"Who even has a single room just for reading?" he muttered under his breath when he read the label on one of them.

The more time he spent looking for Tins room the more he wanted to return to his own, small home. It was such a trouble remembering where everything was in a house as big as this one and he worried he would never find the one he was looking for.

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