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This deals with serious matters as suicide, depression and nonconsensual sexual activities, please don't read if those things trigger you in any way.


It was a chilly breeze outside, something you didn't get often when you lived in the tropical country that was Thailand. The evening was still young and people were busy crowding the street, desperate to get into the new club that opened just the day before.

The club was rich in color, blue, red and green lights were illuminating the dance floor. Women in short dresses and way too high high heels were dancing around with each other, each one more scandalous than the other.

Even though the club was still a rookie in the street, it was overfilled with many people of different backgrounds. Poor, rich, straight or gay, they were there.

"Damn, I didn't think it would be that full in here," a man with bushy brows and dark hair said, nudging the man standing next to him, "but there are a lot of hot chicks, told ya' it would be worth coming here."

The other man grunted, clearly not interested in the conversation. He didn't like clubs like these, he would rather stay at home and watch a movie or two.

"Don't worry, Ae just texted me, he will be here in a few minutes," the man said again, taking a sip out of his totally non-alcoholic drink he bought a while ago. His grumpy friend just nodded in acknowledgement and continued to search the room for a specific person.

He couldn't see much between the crowd, but that didn't stop him. He ignored the smell of alcohol that lingered heavily in the room, he was used to it by now. His friends would always invite him to parties, and although he never wanted to go, his boyfriend convinced him every single time.

He was thinking of the soft dark locks of his boyfriend when he felt someone tap him on the shoulder. Annoyed, he turned to the person that interrupted his daydream.

"Hello, my name is Bao," the woman in front of him said, smiling seductively. She wore a tight black dress that didn't leave much up for imagination. The man was disgusted with the woman in front of him, didn't she see that he was busy?

He wordlessly stared at her, the silence was heavy and the woman felt from second to second more uncomfortable. It felt like if she didn't disappear in the next few seconds, something really bad would happen. Just as she was about to open her mouth, a voice cut her off.

"Wow. Didn't know you had so much game, Tin,"  the man's friend said, patting his friend's shoulder.

Tin grunted, "You know I'm not interested."

"Yeah, yeah. You never are."

The woman looked between the two friends. She was just about to leave when she saw her two friends in the corner of her eyes. She swallowed hard, knowing that she couldn't back out now that her friends were watching her.

Clenching her fist, she knew what she had to do.

The woman lifter her eyes to look at the very much handsome man infront of her. He was indeed a heartthrob, light brown hair, eyes to dream for and a trained body. Hesistantly, she moved her hand up. Her heart was pounding in her chest, she needed to do this. After taking one more deep breath, she went into her role again.

Tin was shocked when he felt a hand on his chest, "Come on, I can be real fun, you know?" the woman said, her eyes dark and clouded.

The hand felt like it was on fire on his chest, and Tin wanted to throw her across the room. His friend watched the scene infront of him very carefully. He knew that Tin would snap any second now, Tin was never a very calm person when it came to physical contact.

TRAPPED II tincanNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ