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Niha was roaming in their room. She was waiting for Sanjay to enter into their room. He didn't arrive. Her anxiety was reaching peaks. She wanted to know what she heard from Viraj is false. She wanted to know it from Sanjay's mouth.

She turned around when she heard door of their room opening. Sanjay entered the room and closed the door.

" If you're going to ask me about your job, I prefer you to stop asking me," Sanjay said before Niha could answer.

" What does that mean? That means what he told is right," Niha said trying to digest what Sanjay had told.

" Don't create a scene, Niha. Shut up and sleep."

" It may be nothing for you. For me it's not nothing, Sanjay. It's my hard work. Just today morning, I was proud telling I got the job because of my work. You proved me I was wrong again. And you're telling me, it was nothing and I am creating a scene.

I am hating myself after knowing this. I am feeling myself worthless. If you weren't there, I won't be having a job. Why do you have to be there always proving me wrong?"

" Why aren't you understanding Niha, Damn it?"

" What ain't I understanding, Jai? I am feeling suffocated. I can't take it," Niha shouted and came out of the room.

Her mind wasn't thinking straight. She walked towards the terrace.

Her mind was creating havoc in her. She was staring at the dark sky blankly. She is feeling like her self respect crushed with Viraj's words.

She is thinking herself, " Why did he have to do all these when things are going right between us?"

Her thoughts were interrupted by words from her back, " Someone stole my place it seems."

Niha turned back to see the Krishna as she recognized his voice.

" What are you doing here, dad?", Niha questioned Krishna.

" I think I should ask you the same question, " Krishna replied raising his eyebrows upwards.

" Not getting sleep."

" You want me to believe that," Krishna questioned.

" It's true, dad," Niha said.

" I became old after passing your stage, dear. Your mom used to come to terrace and stay there until I come and plead her. Same applies for you too. Quarrelled with my son?"

" What about you dad? What are you doing here?"

" Me? I came for fresh air."

" You want me to believe that, dad? I may be young but not innocent."

" So, you caught me. My brilliant daughter in law"

" Of course. It's Niharika here," Niha said tapping her shoulders, " What are you doing here then?"

" Your husband likes this place a lot. When he was small kid, he wouldn't sleep until he comes here and play for some time," Krishna said remembering his old memories with his son.

" Missing those days it seems," Niha replied.

" Missing my son more than anything. It's been more than a year, he talked with me casually. He will only talk to me when I counter him. Orelse he won't even mind to talk to me."

" He will talk to you dad. Who won't wish to talk with you? You made me talk with you when I went to his office few months back. How do you know about me?"

" That day," Krishna laughed and said, " I found you roaming in his office but don't know where to go. I just helped you. That's it."

" Where will the father help an unknown girl to set up his son. You don't even know me then. Why did you do that?"

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