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Arjun went to the pub as he was unable to sleep. He noticed a girl at the bar counter sitting on the chair amd taking shots.

Her back was facing him. He was thinking what made her take those many shots. He involuntarily moved towards her and took a seat beside her.

" What?" She questioned turning towards him but didn't look at his face.

" Nothing," he shrugged his shoulders.
Arjun noticed it was Ananya. He was looking at her to confirm whether his guess was right or wrong.

" You know what," Ananya started telling lookin at the table and slamming her fist.
" What?", Arjun asked her curiously.

" Fuck off," Ananya shouted and looked at him.
Her face held expressions suggesting him that she know him.

" Do you remember me? I am Arjun."
" So what?" she said.

" What is with your look? What is the reason for you to be like this," Arjun asked Ananya.

" You're no one for me to share." Slowly alcohol was draining into her system.

" Are you sure?" Arjun enquired.
" What do you think of yourself? You know what, Arjun! You're right. You're always right. You told me I am fool. I am idiot to think I could compete with her."

" Are you talking about Niha?"
" Whom can it be other than her?"

" What you're thinking about her wrong, Ananya?"

" Tell me some more that I am the idiot to feel like that," Ananya replied. Arjun ordered shots for himself.

Arjun was irritated with her lack of understanding capacity.

" Listen to me, Ananya. You're getting it wrong. Listen to me first. No one is made special. You're special in your own way. You're trying to be like her but you're forgetting your own capabilities." Arjun said taking the shots he ordered.

Listening to his words, Ananya turned Arjun towards her and kissed him. He was surprised by her action. He regained his posture and freed himself from her. If he didn't stop, he couldn't even imagine what will he do to her.

" Be my boyfriend for tonight."
Both of them were out of the world as they were filled with alcohol.

They went to hotel room and continued from where they stoped. They spent the night together.

Next morning, when Arjun woke up, he found the place beside him empty. He checked in washroom to find whether she is present or not. She was not there. But the room by filled by her aroma. He can feel her smell on his body.

He shook his head from her thoughts and got ready for his work.


Next day

Niha and Sanjay woke up.

" What are your plans for today?," Sanjay questioned.

" Are you indirectly trying to tell me I am officially jobless?"Niha asked.

" I don't mean that, dumbhead," Sanjay said smacking on her head.

" I am not dumbhead. I am going to another hospital for an interview."

" Fine, then. Want me to drop you?", Sanjay questioned.

" I will go on my own."

" As you wish, baby." Sanjay got ready and left to his office.

Niha's prepared herself for interview as it is at 11am. She attended the interview and got the job. It was Manoj hospitals. She was selected for working there. She can start working from next week.

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