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Niha was sleeping but was interrupted by ringing of phone. She groaned and woke up. She felt it wasn't her ringtone. She turned her head sideways to find Sanjay trying to cut the call.

Niha was thinking why he was here? Before, he scolded her to not to come into his room. But now what was he doing here? Don't tell me he came to again shout at me.

Niha started saying, " Look. I am sorry. I didn't mean to disturb you. I thought to inform you," Sanjay kept his index finger on Niha's lips making her stop from blabbering.
" Come let's go," Sanjay pulled Niha.

Niha didn't question him further. She followed him grabbing her wallet from desk beside her bed. Sanjay took her to the restaurant.

Both of them got seated. Sanjay asked her to order giving her the menu. Niha took the menu and went through it. It was french restaurant and Niha was struggling to understand the menu. She was making faces going through it.

Sanjay was keenly observing her features. He was smiling looking at her expressions. He is feeling her cute. Finally, Niha found it was difficult for her to order and pushed the menu towards Sanjay.

" What?", Sanjay asked Niha.
" Order as you wish. I can't understand it."
" Ok."
Sanjay placed the order.

After the food arrived, both ate silently. Suddenly, Niha's expressions changed.
" What happened?"
Niha nodded her head as No.
" Just say, Niha."

" I am in Goa. I want to explore the city."
" Why? Have you not come to Goa before?"
" No."
" You are in Goa. Then, What's the problem? I will take you."

" Really?"
" Yes. It's about to sunset. The view will be awesome. Let's finish quickly and go."
"Thank you, " Niha gave a wide smile to him. Sanjay didn't know what happened to him. He too smiled at her.

Sanjay was about to pay the bill. Niha interrupted him.
" What?"
" How much is the bill?"
" Why?"
"Both will share the bill."

" What?"
Sanjay was surprised and thought to himself, " Oh my god. This girl is really something. There will be so many members dying to get paid by me. But here, she was refusing me."

" I don't want to be in debt with someone."
" oh really! I don't want my wife to pay when I am here."
Niha was quite surprised by his words. Her expressions said what she was thinking.

Sanjay paid the bill and took Niha to the beach.
" Come let's go into the water," Niha pulled Sanjay.
Both of them stood facing the beach with waves hitting their legs.

The cold air hit Niha's face making her hair roll. Sanjay was mesmerized looking at her. Niha was now giggling and jumping when cold water touch her feet.

A big wave approached them. Niha didn't notice it. She slipped off and about to fall. Niha closed her eyes tightly waiting for the impact. Niha thought to herself, " What? Why am I not wet?"

Then Niha opened her eyes. She found Sanjay holding her. She was relieved and about to thank him. But, he left her. She was now completely drenched in water. Sanjay stood there laughing at her.

Niha noticed Sanjay laughing at her. It was the first time Niha saw Sanjay laughing wholeheartedly when he was with her.

Niha didn't know what got into her. She pulled him. Sanjay slipped and fell into water. Sanjay stopped laughing and looked towards her angrily.
" Sorry," Niha tried to convince him.

" Don't you dare to act funny with me," he yelled at her and left her alone in the water. Niha recovered from shock and followed him maintaining good distance between them.

She didn't understand why his mood varies. One time he was acting as if he care for her. On other time, he pushers her away as if she was a flu. Being a doctor, her mind was giving her various diagnosis for his behavior.

She kept all her thoughts aside and went into her room. She found moukti calling her. Moukti was not the person to speak first after their fight. This made Niha worry what happened to her.

" Hey Moukti. What happened? Are you alright?"
" What is that question? Should I have to call you only when something happened?"
" It's not like that, Moukti."

" Look Niha. I am not at all sorry for shouting at you. I  don't want you to end up hurting."
" I know Moukti. It's just that it is difficult for me. Now you tell me."

" When are you coming?"
" I don't know, Moukti."
Suddenly, Niha heard someone knocking the door.
" Wait a while, Moukti."

Niha opened the door revealing Sanjay infront of her.
" Pack your luggage. We are leaving. "
Niha had a blank expression on her face.
" Don't make me tell twice."
Niha nodded her head.

Niha remembered Moukti is still on call.
" Moukti, I will come tomorrow."
" Ok then. We will meet at evening 5 at our regular hangout place."
" Ok." Niha cut the call.

Niha packed the luggage. Both of them left for airport. Niha was fully tired. So, she slept in the plane. After some time, Niha woke up. She saw Sanjay sleeping with his head on her shoulder.

Niha was seeing different Sanjay. He was looking calm and peaceful. Why can't he understand what I was feeling?Why would he act in that manner when he talks to me?Why is he so rude to me? Why does he not like me?

Niha was feeling pain in her heart. That day she didn't want to slap him. She would never resist Sanjay. What made her react is that he was along with his friends. He was just acting. She couldn't take it. So, she slapped him.

Niha never expected Sanjay would marry her. She was eagerly waiting for blow from Sanjay. For her, Sanjay won't compromise to hurt others. But What he did to her was confusing her. Is there any other reason behind him marring her?

Her thoughts were interrupted when Sanjay woke up. He caught her staring. Niha felt embarrassed and diverted her view towards the window.

Several hours passed and finally they reached. Sanjay walked away without acknowledging Niha. She felt sad. Niha jumped out from the seat and struggled to reach Sanjay's pace. Finally distance between them decreased and Niha silently followed him.

Niha took the luggage to her room. Niha was missing her work badly. She never took a leave from her work. "I will go from tomorrow, " Niha thought.

Niha stayed at her room playing games in her phone. Niha thought of seeing the house. She made her way out of her room. She saw a person in the kitchen cooking. She turned towards Niha and greeted her,
" Good evening mam."
" You're making me feel old. Just call me Niha."

She laughed and introduced herself as Gayatri. She might be 40 years old. She is cook
" What are you making?", Niha questioned her.
" Aloo parota."
" Smells good. It's making me feel more hungry. "

" Sanjay likes them very much. So, he asked me to prepare them."
" Oh. Can I have one? I am hungry to taste your food."

Gayatri took the plate and gave to Niha after she added parota. Go sit there and eat. Gayatri pointed her finger towards dining table. Just then Sanjay came. He saw Niha and turned his face away. He asked Gayatri for food.

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