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Next day,

Niha was sitting leisurely in her cabin as there was less crowd in the hospital. She was playing with her pen recalling all the words her brother said yesterday. He was very happy to know she wanted to get married.

She wanted to tell her brother it's just a prank. But, after seeing his face she was unable to speak a word. Why Sanjay was making things difficult for her? She knows he won't leave the matter.

He would surely make her agree on his terms. She was ready for what he was going to do. But, he did the most unexpected thing she thought, he would be doing.

She couldn't believe what Sanjay told to her brother. She was getting bad vibes from him. He was not the person to believe in commitments. What was he upto?

When her mind was struggling to find answers someone barged into her room. Due to sudden effect, she stood involuntarily. The most unexpected person barged in started taking steps towards her. He hovered on her placing his hands on either sides of her table with Niha between his hands.

"Hey, Niharika. Surprised to see me," Sanjay whispered in her ear. Cold shivers were running down her spine making her knees weak. She immediately composed herself and said " leave me",pushing away his hands. But he didn't flinch a bit.

" What the hell were you doing?", she shouted. He shut her mouth placing one of his hand on her mouth.
" I am removing my hand, if you shout I had other ways to shut your mouth. Did you want that?",  he slowly removed his hand when she shook her head side ways.

"Thats my girl. Now come we were leaving."
" What? Where? I had work to complete."
"Were in thinking that I am going to hear you out," he said placing his one hand on her waist and other removing strands of hair on her face and placing it back of her ear.

He dragged her out with his hand still on her waist. He reached his car and shoved her into the passenger seat. He sat on driving seat and started driving.

He stopped his car infront  of his office. He dragged her into his office ignoring all the questioning stares. He entered with her behind. He made her sit on the chair. She couldn't comprehend what's happening. He kept looking at him. He went across the table opened his drawer

" Sign it," he said placing bunch of papers infront of her and throwing pen into her lap. He walked across her and hovered onto her, placing his hands on either sides of handle.

"What!" she astonished.
"Don't make me repeat my words, just sign it," he yelled.
" Back off mister. Why did you think I would listen to you?" She countered.
" What the fuck were you thinking? If you tell backoff, as if I am going to listen," he rolled his eyes.

Niha tried pushing him, all her attempt was vain. He didn't even budge off.
" What if your brother loses his job? He was working in my company and I might fire him," His face was almost close to hers. Their lips were almost touching . If one among both move a inch, their lips might meet.

" It didn't matter to me. My brother would find a better job than here. Even if he didn't find a job, he would be ok with it than his sister bending her head infront of a person who didn't value others," She said engulfing all her fears.

He stood straight and laughed hard. His voice echoed twice in his room." Were you thinking it's over and I would backoff? Its just beginning baby. I won't lose never and ever. What if your brother was under police custody for abusing a girl?"
Horror was clearly evident on her face," My brother would never do such thing", she said confidently.

"He won't. But I will make it happen," he had evil smile on his place.
"It's ridiculous. You were not playing fair. You have problem with me . Then why were you dragging my brother into it," she said standing up from the chair.

" I already told you baby. I play to win. In this game, I am the king and you're my pawn. You will play along with me but with my orders. So sign those," he pointed towards the papers and smirked.Niha wanted to kick him rather kill him.

With trembling hand, she took the papers and started reading.
It was contract between Sanjay and Niharika pointing out they should get married in less than a month.* Her eyes widened* she would be wife for him only for one year. She should be doing what he asks. She should be accompaning him where ever he asks her.

" It's completely a shit. It's not correct," she threw papers onto the tables. She felt his hand in her hair. He grabbed her hair making her face him. His eyes were throwing daggers on her.

" Shut up. You're not the one to decide. I was the one to order and you were the one to follow. Get it in the mini brain of yours".

" Oh really! What if by the end you fall for me?", now it was her time to smirk. His laughing was suppressed and made an arrogant smirk," Was I getting it right Or just hallucinating things? In which aspect, were you getting an idea I would end up falling for you? "
"Things could change. You may fell in head on heels for me," she replied with an innocent face.

" I won't believe in relations. They were just waste of time. Stop expecting much about you. You were not even my type," he stated coolly.
" You might change. Life won't be always under your control."
" Then prove me baby that I was wrong. Just sign it and go," he whispered in her ear and handed pen to her.

She signed the papers and threw at him. She then realised what she had done. " Oh shit. What did I do? Did I just signed them. He made me stoop low. What is the difference between be me and whore?" , she thought she was thinking herself until she heard his voice.

"Nothing," she gave him a questioning look.
"What?" She exclaimed.
" You heard me right. There was no difference."
She stomped her feet and said," you were an arrogant, cold, stupid bastard."
"Yes, I was. I had lot of work to do. Just leave," He replied proudly.

She fled out of his cabin. Her mind was not working straight. She hailed a cab and stopped at the entrance of Moukti's office. Moukti was immersed in her work and didn't notice Niha there.
"Moukti," Niha barked.
" Slow down tiger. You were looking as if you were going to explode any time. Calm down and tell me what happened," Moukti remarked.

Niha narrated complete story happened to Moukti. After hearing out, Moukti burst out into fits of laughter.
" Can you stop laughing ? It's irritating,"  Niha was pissed off.

" Then what should I do? He confused you with his words and you being Niharika signed the papers off blindly without thinking anything," Moukti said but continued telling," Did you sign because he asked you or you did it willingly?"
"I didn't know," Niha replied looking down.

" Chill Niha. Already you took a step and now there was no backing off. You should do whether you like it or not. Just go with the know. Never underestimate what destiny had made to you to do this," Moukti remarked.

" I didn't know but thing is sure that I am playing with fire."
" Don't worry. What would you tell your brother?", Moukti questioned.
" He already knew," Niha just shrugged her shoulders.
"But how?"
" He already told my brother. "
"What! He was really something," Now it's Moukti time to surprise.

"Yah. Most annoying, irritating, bastard."
" Stop cursing him."
" Then what shall I do. Praise him for what he did?"
" Imagine him kissing you," Moukti said dreaming.

" You were really stupid, irritating, annoying," Niha slapped her face playfully.
" Stop there. There were no enough word to describe me," Moukti said proudly.
" Go to hell. I am leaving."
" Ok then. Dream about him," Moukti shouted when she noticed her friend leaving.

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