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Sanjay and Niha were eating food. There was awkward silence between them. Niha tried to start a conversation with him but couldn't. Finally, it's no use to shut her mouth.

So, she said, " I will go to work from tomorrow."
" It doesn't matter to me if you come straight here after your work. I don't want people complaining me that they saw you with someone," Sanjay replied.

Niha was stunned by his response.
" Why do you think so low of me?"
" It's because you are. You will always go around blabbering about your mother and gaining sympathy from everyone. I wonder why were you not using your dad name?"

" Mind your words, Sanjay. Just I keep on shutting my mouth doesn't mean I will take all your words. You were asking me why I don't mention about my dad because even I don't know him. He was not there since my birth. I don't know even my father exists or not. I don't even know his name. In my certificates, my brother used to fill them. He didn't give me a chance to know him. I was thankful to my brother. Because of him, I was happy. Do you want to know why?"

Sanjay was about to interrupt her. But, she didn't let him finish.
" My so called dad doesn't even know I exist. I don't know what father love will be as I never experienced it. I was never sad that I don't know my dad. I had my mother and brother. They are my everything. I thought from my corner of heart, you won't try to hurt others even if you wish. But, today you proved me wrong. What did you say? I use my mother's death for sympathy. Keep this words in your mind. I will never ever forget them."

Niha clapped her hands and continued," If you think, you were successful in making me worse, you were successful. Mark my words Sanjay, you said I am using my mother's death as sympathy card.I will never ever speak a word about her, even it mean to forget her."

Niha went to her room.Niha was thinking why does he have to be that much mean? Why did he hate me that much? I am ok with him insulting me but why he have to bring my parents in between?

Niha slept unknowingly. After sometime, Niha was sweating profusely. She held the blanket tightly. Suddenly,  she woke up and sat on the bed. Her heart was beating in such a manner that she could hear it. The room was gloomy making Niha indulge in darkness. Niha's feet were cold as if they were about to freeze.

The same nightmare was repeating since she was 15 years old. She spent many days without sleep because of this dream. But, it never ended. She wanted to sleep peacefully atleast for one day. She fed up with it and confirmed it's never going to happen.

She roamed in her room for sometime. Once she felt it was fine, she slept for sometime.  Niha groaned when she heard her alarm snoozing. She woke up and got ready.

Niha didn't know that someone was observing her. He was following her since she got out from the house and reached hospital. Sanjay knew what he told to her was beyond normal. But, at that time he was blinded by his rage. She was not at all paying him attention. This further triggered him.

After Sanjay found Niha entered into hospital, he diverted his car to his office.

Niha was happy atleast she can do her work. She took the bus and reached the hospital. Her colleagues were surprised to see her married mainly Vardhan sir.

Niha was bombarded with several questions. All of them went silent when Vardhan started speaking.
" You didn't even thought to tell me,Niharika," Vardhan showed his fake anger.

" It happened so suddenly sir. That is why I didn't inform you. Sorry, " Niha said holding her ears.
" Stop your acting. I are making my heart weak day by day. At first, you requested me for leave. Secondly, you got married and stood infront of me. In this way, you will definitely kill me one day."

" Sir, Please stop embarrassing me."
" Did I embarass her?", Vardhan asked other's pointing towards Niha. All of them nodded their head as no.

"No one dared to speak against you because you are head sir. Otherwise the answer would be opposite," Niha shrugged her shoulder. Remaining were shocked to see Niha answering to Vardhan straight away where as other fear even to stand infront of him.

" Trying to tell me I am wrong. It's not going to happen. I am happy for you, dear. When are you going to introduce me to him? If only when you are intended."
" Sir, I will make you both meet. So, forgive me now."

Vardhan smiled at her.
" Now go to you work, young lady."
" Your command is what I have to follow," Niha replied dramatically and bowed infront of him.

Niha concentrated on her work. She doesn't know how time passed away. It was in the evening, she got a message from Sanjay. He asked her to get ready by 5.

Niha was feeling frustated at him. Yesterday he exploded. Now, he was messaging her to get ready. She then remembered Moukti asked to meet her. Niha immediately messaged Moukti that, " Babes, some work came up. Meet to tomorrow for sure."

Niha was sure that Moukti will be upset if she call and tell her. So, Niha just messaged her hoping Moukti will understand.

Niha's phone beeped indicating Moukti messaged her.
" Ok for now. Make sure you meet me tomorrow or else I will kill you.
"Bye. Have to go," With this Niha ended chat with Moukti and reached home to get ready.


Same day

After seeing Niha entered into hospital, Sanjay went to his office. There was lot of pending work as Sanjay was not present for many days. Some how Karthik and Shiv managed to complete most of work. Sanjay couldn't find both of them. He concentrated on his work.

After sometime, Karthik walked in. Sanjay lifted his head and saw Karthik walking towards him.
" Where were you? I haven't see you from morning," Sanjay questioned Karthik.

" I was busy with some work."
" Some work?"
Karthik nodded his head.
" What do you mean by that?",Sanjay questioned.
" Personal."

" What the fuck man! Your personal. Fine leave it."
Sanjay was disturbed by Niha. Now, Karthik was annoying him. Sanjay and Karthik have no secrets between them. When Karthik said it was his personal Sanjay couldn't take it.

" Oh Sanjay. You...," Karthik burst into laughter.
" What?", Sanjay shouted.
" Chill man. I will say."

Sanjay facewas somewhat relaxed when Karthik said he was joking.
Karthik was about to say when Shiv barged in.
" I hope I am not interfering."

" Idiot," Karthik threw the pen on the table onto Shiv.
" Join me for shopping. Vandana want to buy dress."
Sanjay and Karthik were seeing one another in horror. They had a strong feeling that shopping with girls is completely boring.

Karthik turned towards Sanjay and smirked at him. Sanjay couldn't understand what was he upto.

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