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All the people in the room turned towards the voice. Naina stood infront of them with her hands folded.  Naina walked towards them and stood infront of Sanjay.

Naina shouted at Sanjay telling, " What are you doing when she is insulting Niha infront of you?"
Sanjay stood numb and didn't utter a word.

He thought , " Why this girl have that much support? Why will always someone have to interrupt me?"
Sanjay was unable to control his anger. He wanted to hurt her badly.

Naina turned towards Sarah and warned her, " I am telling you the last time. If I again found you speaking  her with that tone, I won't tolerate again. Get out."

Sarah, vinodh and Sanjay left the room without speaking any word. Sarah went off. Seeing this Vinodh started followed her. She ran out without noticing the surroundings.

She stopped when she was pulled by Vinodh.
" What do you want? Leave me."
" Why? So, that you can embarrass yourself more," Vinodh asked Sarah

" You know what I am fed up. I lost the bet. You won. I can't make Sanjay fall for me. He was going head on heels for her. He is not even noticing others than her. What is so special about her? He wanted to satisfy his ego. Then, why was he marrying her? He could have used her and left her. Why is he favouring her? He wanted to insult her. I am helping him. But, you know what I didn't even got a glimpse from him. I ended up humiliating myself.Are you happy now? " Sarah asked holding Vinodh's collar.

" Why would I be laughing Sarah? Why don't you get it that I like you? I too tried hard. But, you were too busy in noticing him. So, I wanted to make you realise he is not worth of your care. I placed the bet so that you realise he doesn't have feelings for you. But, not to make you make you feel humilated. You asked me what was special about her. It's not about her, it's the way he feel for her. Have you ever seen the way he look at her? I think he have feelings for her.That is the reason he didn't consider you. Not that you lack anything. I am asking you to give me a chance to prove myself, Sarah."

" I hate you. If you like me, you should have tell me. But, you shouldn't place the bet. You know how much I felt humiliated when all made faces looking at me. I was beyond angry on you. I just started being close to him only to make you jealous. But, what you did? Place the bet," Sarah was crying and punching Vinodh on his chest.

" I am sorry. I didn't find a better way to make you realise. Please, give me one chance . I am an idiot not to realise your feeling. I am sorry."

" Yes, you're an idiot. I love that idiot."
Vinodh face glistened with happiness," You made me the happiest person."
"Do you think there is something more than revenge for Niha?"

" I think so. Why would Sanjay marry her when he doesn't believe in relations?" Vinodh replied thoughtfully.
" I think so. But, hope for the best. Let's get in. We don't want to miss the wedding, right." Both walked in.


At the wedding hall,
All the people were busy. Some were busy gossiping on other's back. Some were jealous, some were happy. Some were chitchatting.

Krishna and Naina were happy seeing their son getting happy. But, there was sadness in their faces. Mostly Krishna's face. He was missing his dearest friend. He called him several times . He didn't attend Krishna's call. He was worrying for his friend. His friend changed a lot.

Krishna tried hard to get back his friend's old self. All his trails were avail. Naina placed her hand on Krishna's shoulders and assured him. He smiled at Naina but inwardly he had multiple emotions.

Vandana and Shiv were having their couples fight which were common for them. Vinodh and Sarah are trying to start a new bond. Karthik and Moukti are sharing playful glances at each other.

For Sanjay and Niha these were different. For others, they were the couple who were marrying happily .But, Sanjay was showing his dismay at Niha. No person can understand what he thinks, what he does. It made his opponents lose.

Niha and Sanjay stood facing each other. Sanjay started taking slow steps towards Niha. Niha stood at her place rooted looking at him. He had a devilish smile on his face. He stood beside her and pulled her towards him by placing his hand on her waist.

Niha was shocked to see his behavior. Just an hour back, he made his friend to insult her. But now, he was acting as nothing happened.

He bent his head low where his lips were touching Niha. Niha's widened her eyes instinctively.
" You can't escape from me, never and ever. You are mine now, mine to hurt. No one can take you away from me. Keep it in your mind. I will never forget how you got grip on my parents and friend. I will show you the end in which I am going to win and you are going to lose, " Sanjay whispered in dangerously low tone.

Sanjay noticed many people were looking at him. So, he kissed on her cheek and stood straight.Many people around them were applauding him for his gesture. But, Niha's heart was beating as if going to explode. His voice was waking internal fears in her.

One thing Niha was sure is there is no escape from him. She need to stay with him.

After rituals, Sanjay tied the knot around her neck. Now, both of them were struck with each other. There is no escape. Though a person doesn't like the other, eventually develops caring and loving for other. It's the magic of marriage.

Both got married for their own reasons. What's going to happen no one knows.

Sanjay took Niha to his house. He was repeatedly passing angry glares at her through out the journey. Niha didn't know what to do and kept her mouth shut. She didn't want to take his cold words.

He pulled her out of the car rashly. He dragged her along with him. Though she was trying to loose his grip on her hand, it's not working. His mind only focused to make her regret. She was creating havoc in his mind.

" Sanjay, I will follow you. Just leave my hand. It's hurting," Niha whimpered expecting him to lose his grip. He didn't mind her words and further tightened his grip. He took her to his room.

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