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Sanjay looked at her as she was descending the steps. "Come with me,"Sanjay pulled her and took her into his room.

He went to his wardrobe and asked her to change into the white dress.

" Why? No, it's not for me. I won't wear that dress," Niha said stubbornly.

Sanjay rubbed his head in frustration.
" Stop acting stubborn, Niha," Sanjay groaned.

" I won't take those. I will never accept anything you brought for another girl," Niha folded her hands.

" Why can't you understand? Why will I give dress, I brought for others. For your kind information, I never bought any dress for a girl. It's the first one," Sanjay tried to explain her.

" So, you want to give for someone special. Then, I won't accept it. Never."

"I brought it only for you, ok."

" Do you think I will listen to what you say? You were the person who told that dress doesn't suit me," Niha retorted.

" I know I acted like a jerk at that time. When you came out in that dress, I couldn't take my eyes away from you. That is the reason why I acted like that. I wanted to see you again in that dress. So, I brought it.Are you satisfied?"

Niha nodded her head and changed into that dress asking Sanjay to wait for 10 minutes outside.

She came out to ask Sanjay how it is? But, she recaped his words. She asked him signing how is she.

" Breathtaking, baby," Sanjay placed a kiss on her forehead.

Sanjay took her to the highway of the city followed by alley. At first, Niha doesn't know the place but when she observed the surroundings she noticed it was the place familiar place.

" Why did you bring me, here?"Niha questioned him.
" You are asking me, as if you know the place."

Niha laughed nervously playing with her fingers and said,"How... will ..I know"

" Niha, It seems like you are trying to avoid my questions. It's ok. Let me tell you. I didn't come her often.It had been..," Sanjay was stopped by Niha's voice.

" One year,"niha responded immediately.
" How do you know? Even Shiv and Varun don't know," Sanjay asked feeling unbelievable.

"I..I just guessed it," Niha tried to cover.
" Do you know you are like a mystery to me? You're full of secrets," Sanjay stated making Niha stiff.

" What are you talking, Sanjay?", Niha replied nervously.
" I love solving mysteries, Niha. I will definitely know it, may not be today but tomorrow you don't know what happens."

Niha turned her head towards the window avoiding his gaze biting her nails.

" This means you know why I came here," Sanjay asked Niha.
Niha simply nodded her head.

" I am telling you. This race is going to make you forget all your worries . If you are ok with it, let's race. It's been a long time I have participated in racing," Sanjay said in low tone.

Niha placed her hand on Sanjay's hand which is on the steering and assuring him to proceed.

" It's been an year he was racing. Why did he suddenly wanted to do? Is it because of me? What did I got into? He promised himself, he won't race again. Why was he doing?" Niha's mind was thinking.

" Let's begin racing." Sanjay entered his car into race zone. There already four cars on the start line to begin. Sanjay's car halted on the start line.

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