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A/n: hello! New story called Better Man up, if you'd like to read it. It's lashton with malum, and there are already 3 chapters up, for anyone interested.

Also, depending on how it works out there's probably only 1-2 chapters left of this book.
"Hey love, how are you feeling?"

Luke's fingers carded through Ashton's hair as he dipped his head slightly to meet eyes with Ashton. Ashton looked up from his phone and smiled softly, leaning forward to kiss Luke's cheek.

"I'm good"

"How are you really feeling?"

"O-ok. I don't feel like doing the interview tonight. I'm just insecure about messing up and then everyone hating me even more. They don't think I'm funny and they think I ta-talk too much"

"No one hates you, trust me. You're helping so many lives out there, and they love you. Even if they don't always show it"

"At least you show me"

Ashton smiled more genuinely up at Luke, pressing his lips against Luke's again. He pulled the blonde down to sit beside him before he kissed him again, softly.

"Hey, listen Ash, if we were to postpone tour for a few months, and we took the time to relax and get your mental health back on track, would you like that?"

Ashton's hazel gaze flickered up to meet Luke's, searching for anything to indicate what Luke was up to. His boyfriend often had a lot more planned then he let on, and Ashton wanted to know what was up. He stared a moment longer, and saw Luke's eyes soften as he pulled Ashton closer.

"It's fine if you don't wanna, just that I don't want you touring when you're not feeling at your best. Tour is already so stressful. That's why I went and talked it over with Calum, Michael and management. Everyone agrees that you and your well being come first. If you want, we can and will"

"But everyone will be so disappointed in me...all the fans, everyone. I don't wanna let anyone down"

"Babe, for once, think of yourself before others. Look, I even tweeted asking how everyone would feel if we took a few months extra before tour, and everyone's so positive."

Luke angled his phone to Ashton, who read through the thread, small smile playing on his lips. All of the comments, or at least what he'd read thus far, all of them said they cared about all the boys.

They cared.

Ashton heart lifted and he stared up at Luke who nodded, tucking his phone away.

"They do care Ashy"

"Ok...we can take some time off"
Within a week, Luke and Ashton were on a plane to Sydney, hand in hand, genuinely happy, happier than they had been for a long time. Apparently Luke's family was hosting Luke's whole family for a reunion, which they'd found out days after they'd confirmed their break.

Liz had said Luke could come if he wasn't busy, and Luke figured it'd be nice, since Ashton could visit his own family. He missed his own siblings and mother so much, and he often thought back to when high school had been stressful, money tight for his family, as they barley made ends meet.

He'd come a long way, in that sense, however he still remembers how badly he was doing then.

Some things can't be fixed.

Put broken glass together, and it's still broken, even if it's holding together.

Ashton pushed his headphones over his ears, playing his music at a reasonably loud volume as he zoned out the world around him, watching the city shrink out the small window. He was lost in his own world, genuinely feeling at his best, better than he had been in weeks.

Doritos (Lashton)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum