Luke's To Do List: Ashton

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Michael sighed and slid down Calums door, gently resting his head against it.

"Cal, baby, please let me in"

"M-Michael not right now! Please, I-I need some time to think"

Calum's voice came muffled from the door and Michael sighed. He'd thought everyone would be as happy as he had been, not realizing Calum had also just been offered a scholarship. They hadn't even broken the news to their parents yet, not wanting to if Calum chose his football career.

It had been days since Michael had told them, and they needed to answer soon, but Calum was undecided. It was hard for him to chose, but the more that he thought about it, perhaps football wasn't where his passion lay. All the memories he'd made with his best friends through music came rushing back to him.

Calum was so happy for the opportunity, but he also knew how much he loved football. Calum wanted to make his friends happy, and hearing Michael weakly knock against the door made him realize something.

Calum lifted his face out of his ruffled sheets, and opened the door. Michael stood up and hugged him, placing a soft kiss onto his forehead.

"I'm sorry. I hope you don't feel pressured, because your happiness comes first"

"I don't know...I've been thinking since the day you told us, and I think I wanna do this. I think we all deserve this chance, but we need to talk with our parents"

"Are you sure?"

"No regrets"

Calum pressed a quick kiss to Michael's lips, before pulling him into a hug. He rested his head in the crook of Michael's neck.

Part of him wanted to take that football scholarship....but this felt right.
Luke stared in sheer annoyance at the piece of lined paper and blue inked pen in front of him. His mom had tasked him to make a to do list, or schedule, so he'd be able to study better.

Thus far, Luke had written "TO DO LIST" in his messy writing at the top of the page. He only had one thing written at his first bullet point, and that was it. He had nothing else.

Ashton must've came over, because he heard the familiar giggle before he felt arms wrap around him, and warm breath against his neck.

"Hello Lukey"

"Hey Ash"

"What are you up to?"

"Mum said to make a to do list"

"That's good, I make one during exam times, as a sort of schedule, what do you have so far? I can h- Ashton. It just says Ashton"

Luke smiled sheepishly, before his mouth fell open and eyes widened.

Holy fuck.

The bandanna has made another appearance. Luke hasn't seen Ashton wear it in quite a while, and as usual, it looked beautiful in Ashton's honey curls.

"The bandanna"

"Is it bad?"

"No...fuck it's so hot look so good in it"

Luke breathlessly muttered this and Ashton giggled in response, not understanding how much Luke loved the piece of fabric. To top it off, Ashton was dressed in his torn black skinnies and a t-shirt that was equally as ripped, and it certainly wasn't helping Luke's thoughts remain holy.

He looked hot, to put it lightly, and Luke wasn't expecting the sudden change in his typically cute boyfriend. Don't mistake it for complaining, because he was most definitely not complaining. Luke was suddenly very turned on, teeth digging into his bottom lip out of habit.


"Can we complete my to do list?"


Ashton burst into another fit of laughter, finding it rather amusing how turned on Luke appeared to be. Whether Luke was just joking or not was beyond him, but Ashton found it funny all the same.

Luke impatiently pulled Ashton into his lap, steadying Ashton's hips with his hands as his lips found Ashton's. It was soft at first, gentle and slow, before it slowly became sloppier, tongues roughly moving together as their kisses became messier.

Ashton's fingers curled the hair at the nape of Luke's neck, while Luke slowly dragged his hands up Ashton's shirt, gently tweaking his nipples. A soft whimper escaped Ashton, and he bucked his hips into Luke, before he threw his head back, letting Luke run his tongue along Ashton's collarbones.

Luke gently sucked a bruising kiss onto Ashton's neck, before he moved back up to his mouth. Between breathy moans, Ashton muttered curses as he thrust against Luke, Luke similarly matching the noises that escaped him.

They continued that way for a few moments longer, hips grinding and hands running over every inch of the others body. Luke finally pulled away, breath ragged and lips swollen, his hair messy over his face.

Ashton swallowed and evened out his own breathing, before he dropped his eyes to meet Luke's. Luke nibbled at his lip ring, before he let out a quiet laugh.


"Hey, don't swear"

Ashton lightly slapped Luke's thigh, before he attempted to climb out of Luke's lap. Luke firmly place his hands on Ashton's waist, not letting him. Ashton pouted before he shook his hips in an attempt to loosen Luke's grip. He soon felt Luke harden underneath him, so he promptly stopped, eyes widening.

"Luke! Control your dick"

"You're one to talk"

Ashton flushed before he gently slapped Luke again, before kissing his face gently. Luke stuck his tongue out at Ashton, a gesture which was returned.

"You know, you can't slap me as a solution for everything"


"Luke, sweetie, can I come in?"

"Yea mum"

Luke turned his head to the door, which Liz cracked open. She smiled at Ashton, before asking if he was going to stay for dinner, which he politely declined.

"Actually, Luke's coming over to mine for dinner?"

"I am?"

"Yes you are, the tickets came and we need to surprise Lauren. Her best friend is coming for dinner as well, so it works perfectly."


"Please Lu?"

"Alright babe, Mum can I go over for dinner?"

Liz shook her head, but was still smiling. She gave him permission, before she left, both boys sighing in relief that she hadn't pointed out their disheveled hair or swollen lips.

Ashton gave Luke one last kiss, before he climbed out of his lap, and went to brush his hair out. He walked over to the mirror, gasping at the purple mark evident on his lightly tanned skin.

"Luke! Look what you did!"

"Couldn't help myself"

"It's so noticeable, I didn't think it'd show up that fast! It looks bad, doesn't it?!"

"It doesn't, I think it looks very nice, tell me anytime you'd like more"

Luke winked and cheekily slapped Ashton's ass as he left the room, returning moments later with a bandaid that he carefully placed over the hickey.

Doritos (Lashton)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon