Is it tears or just the fucking rain?

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Luke stared up at the dark sky, heavy rain drips pouring all over him. He made a move to get up, cautious of the wet, chunky mud around him.

He'd slipped once, and didn't plan on doing so again, although it wouldn't make a difference as he'd spoiled his favourite flannel and ruined his only pair of blue jeans. He doesn't even remember why he even chose to play football in his skinny jeans while it was raining.

He splashed through the mud and wet grass, plucking his soccer ball from the net, grimacing at the muck dripping off of it. He wiped it on his thigh, and then wiped his own hand, before finding his phone.

It was after school, and the events from lunch were still running through his head. Ashton had came to class after, clearly upset, but Luke didn't know what to do to comfort him.

He called Calum, and hoped he'd be able to get some form of explanation.

"Can I come over and change, I was playing and-" 

"Fell? What else is supposed to happen when your legs are like 500 meters long? Anyways, come over, but be quick"

"Cool, thanks"

Luke took large steps out of the field before he began the walk to Calums house, carefully skipping over the worms littered all over the pavement.

He arrived at Calums house, the rain still heavily pouring down. Calums car was in the driveway, and Luke prays that he would be offered a ride, not wanting to walk back home.

He entered the house, and was careful not to drip water anywhere, awkwardly waiting on the small rug at the entrance, until Calum offered him a towel, clean boxers, socks, jeans and a hoodie.

Luke was quick to change, tossing his dirty clothes into the laundry basket, entering the kitchen once he did. He saw Calum sitting at the counter, sipping from a bowl of soup. Luke joined him, taking a deep breath before asking what had been bugging him for so long.



"What happened with Ashton at lunch? And just in general? Is he ok?"

"Why do you want to know?"

"I..I just-"

"Wait, do you have a crush on him?"

And Luke didn't. He genuinely didn't. It wasn't denial or anything, he didn't feel anything around Ashton and had no desire to date him or anything.

Hell, he didn't even find Ashton that attractive. So he doesn't know why he lies, but it rolls off of his tongue so easily, that he can't help himself.

"Yea. I do like him"

"Oh...ok...I guess you want to know a bit about him then"


"Don't you dare hurt him though, or I will literally set you on fire"

"God Calum, why would I hurt him?"

"Fine. Ashton was very obviously rushed this morning, cause you know, the glasses, his brothers shirt by accident, that whole thing. Ryan's a douche, and was just teasing or messing I guess, but then he locked Ashton in the closet and took it too far."

"W-was he mocking his sexuality? Or-"

"No, I don't know what Ashton's sexuality is, which means Ryan wouldn't either. Ashton just never likes labeling himself. But he's claustrophobic. Which Ryan knows very well, cause of this whole thing when we were like 9"


"He might like you though, so don't be too put down"

Luke grimaced and nodded, because he really didn't like Ashton like that, and he was far from upset. But he played along, figuring it'd die over sooner or later.

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