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Guess who had enough Wi-Fi to publish? Yeah Remy did, so he could post pictures of Starbucks... But so did I! :)

TW: Mentions of blood, threatening, Remus in general

The chapel was in the distance. It was large and had ivy growing down it as well as being decorated with white lilies and roses. So were the tables and other necessities for the after party. I huffed slightly, whether that was because I was tired from running or because I was disappointed that no Anemones were to be seen, which were Virgil's favourite flower because of their bold black centre. To be honest, the cause of the huff was most likely because of both reasons.

As he got closer to the chapel he was confused. He couldn't hear wedding bells, or music. Just muffled voices. As he got closer he could make out an incredibly familiar one.
"Stay baaaack. You seee, I won't let your whittle prince gooo, unless you give my what I want!" Remus said in a psychotic, singsong voice that turned angry near the end.

Roman panicked and rushed inside the chapel. At the front of the isles were Remus and Virgil, with a knife to his throat, held their by the former. The best men and the priest had scrambled over to the sides. The prince had a terrified look on his face, his eyes glued to the ground. Roman could see blood from the dagger dripping down his neck.

What Roman didn't know was that this fear was the first emotion, other then sadness, that has been displayed on Virgil's face since their separation.

"Remus!" I called as I ran towards him.
"Not another step, brother, or your beloved will die!" I stopped dead in my tracks. My brother was sick, you could hear it in his voice. The crazy dripping from every word. I looked around. Prince Janus was being held back by two men, presumably from his royal guards.

"That wasn't a good threat Remus. He doesn't care about me." Virgil said in a monotone voice and when he looked up I could see that the sparks in his eyes, that could put the night sky to shame, were gone. I promised to return them after this ordeal as I exclaimed;
"No! No! Virgil! You are so wrong. I love you with all my heart!"
"We won't fall for your tricks again."

"Step. Back. Advisor." Remus sneered at Logan who was glaring at me, "I lied. Roman does love you Virgil." Remus got so close to Virgil's face. It infuriated me. "But I care a lot more about my lover then I do about his. So it doesn't phase me that he will be sad if I kill you."

"Well, what do you want then?" You could hear the anger now that Virgil knew he had been fooled. I so wanted to move to him but my brother was an unpredictable maniac. I still don't know what he might have done if I had taken that extra step. So I helplessly stood there and watched. He dug the knife slightly further in. It caused a hiss of pain from the prince but wasn't in deep enough to be fatal.

I don't even think my brother knew what he was doing anymore.

"Remus! Stop!" Prince Janus had finally managed to throw off the grasps of his guards.
"But Dear! He is getting in the way!" Remus whined. I was so confused. Everyone in that room was. How did they know each other.
"No Remus, he isn't, now put the knife down." Janus made that one simple word seem so terrifying. My brother removed the knife but kept his grasp on the beautiful boy in front of me.

Not now gay thoughts, you're about to discover a major part of the plot.

"I won't let him go, until you explain to me why you are suddenly ok with marrying this heathen?" Asked Remus
"Don't call him that!" I said
"Roman? Correct? Just shut up for a second while I save my best friend." Janus looked at me and I could see how genuine he was.
"But..." both my brother and I said.

"Remus! If you hadn't been busy with whatever you were doing a couple of nights ago, I could have told you that Virgil had provided his blessing. This marriage was going to be fake. I love Virge, but not like that. Sometimes I question why I do love a moron."

"This wedding was a ruse?" My brother seemed dazed.
"Well not anymore! Everyone in the room knows!" The Prince of another land exclaimed. Remus quickly let go of Virgil.

I ran to the boy, I believe so did Patton. I didn't know what was going on around me. I thought I could hear Logan and King Thomas saying things. Guards in royal colours moved by. All I could focus on, the only important thing in my life right now, and probably forever, was the boy in front of me. My Virgil.
"Ro-Roman?" The boy questioned. He seemed to have lost blood and this being a traumatic event also took an effect on him.
I just embraced him. Stroking his hair and kissing his head.

"I never stopped loving you Roman."

"I will never stop loving you Virgil."

Oh My Goodness. That was it. This is the end everyone. The next chapter is something in the future but here is where the story properly ends.

I'm saying this is the final chapter as it makes it seem like a more succinct ending. Basically, you don't have to read the next one as it's not important. Sorry, I'll shut up now.

Thank you all for your support and sticking with it. We have made this journey together and it wouldn't be a thing without you people. Thank you all and have a fabulous day.


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