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I am in the kitchen finishing of the final touches to my soufflé when Logan walks in.
"Patton, Dear?"
"Yes Love, what do you need?" I turn to see him. His forehead is creased.
"Virgil needs you," sighing he continues. "It's about some emotional conflict or whatever."

I understood. Although King Thomas is Virgil's father, I am like a second Dad because the former is constantly busy. This meant I had been the person who Virgil would turn to for emotional advice. I don't blame the King for never being present in the poor boy's life. He has his reasons and responsibilities. So he has become my dark, strange son, and me to him, a father. Caring has always been something I was rather good at.

"You were interrupted when reading, weren't you?"
"You know me so well Dear. Now you may want to see Virgil. It seemed rather urgent."
"Ah yes." I planted a short kiss on my husband's cheek and left the kitchen.

I slowly opened the dark mahogany door of the Prince's room to see that very person pacing throughout it. I coughed, to grasp his attention, making him jump before looking up at me.
"Pat, I am glad you came. I'm so confused about this thing and I can't tell father because he is busy and, oh this just complicates things if it's that. Or even worse it could be that and then I don't know what I would do." Virgil was incredibly anxious. You could tell by his rambling and stressed state.
"Hey, hey. It's ok. Now sit down and tell me what's wrong." I sat on his bed with him. He took a second to reply.
"I've been feeling weird feelings at the moment and I don't know what to do. It's always around a specific person. I get a strange, fluttery feeling in my stomach and I blush at most of the things they say. What's wrong with me."
I sighed. Virgil is an intelligent boy so I am surprised that he didn't understand, but I guess he never was interested by romanticism.

"Virgil, I think you are having feelings for someone that are past platonic love."
"You sound like your husband, he's been getting to you, hasn't he." He didn't realise what I said but then I saw the realisation hit him like a jousting sword. The puzzle pieces started to fit together.
"No! No, no, no, no. I can't... He won't feel the same way... Of all times, why now? And a personal servant too? Really Virgil."

Aaaaaand he was back to pacing

I addressed the boy in front of me.
"Virgil, is this the Roman boy that Logan told me about?" I got a quick nod in response, a cautious look on his face, "Then I wouldn't worry. Logan sees Roman when he is not with you and tells me that the boy certainly is, in his words, infatuated with you. Apparently, he speaks about you all the time."
"Really. I think you should speak with him. It shouldn't be today as you don't have the time. This will be a long conversation, at least it was with me and Logan. And it can't be tomorrow as Logan is going to busy with him a lot but do it the next time you see him."
"Ok. Thank you Patton." He hugged me, which he never does. Once he let go I bid him goodbye. I must find Logan.

I only saw him that evening. I discussed it with him and he certainly didn't seem to be too pleased. When asking he said it was fine for the servant boy to have feelings towards Virgil. However, Virgil returning those feelings was incredibly unacceptable as there is no guarantee that Virgil can be kept safe living in the same environment as someone of that status. It doesn't make much sense to me, but I believe that my Logan just doesn't want to see 'our' little boy get hurt. I may seem over-protective, but Logan is incredibly persistent and stubborn when he cares. As Virgil never had the opportunity to make many friends his age, Logan fills that role. I seem like a large push-over in comparison.

I pity that Roman boy.

I hope you enjoyed this. I thought I would change the point of view. Sorry if you hate it but I like the idea of varying thought processes. This is probably a terrible example of that idea.

Also thank you all so much for over a hundred reads. I know for some that's not a lot, but for me it is huge and I can't thank you all enough. I hope you continue to enjoy this and comment as I would love to know what you all think. Have a good day.


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