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TW: 1 swear word, a little bit of gore but it's only tiny (because it's Remus' chapter and it would be wrong if it didn't have any). If I missed anything please let me know.

Finally, my idiotic brother has provided his report. This took over a week to get here, but I guess the preparations for that disgusting wedding are slowing everything down.

Dear Remus,
                       I must inform you that I will no longer be attempting my assassination. This letter will be short as it is not a proper report.

I can't  understand how you would ever think about murdering such a kind and wonderful person. He is innocent to the highest degree off what ever you believe he did.

I have fallen in love with the prince. Although my feelings will probably never be returned I can't bring myself to do it.

Goodbye Remus,


Well, to conclude, I always knew my brother was weak. I guess you have to do a job yourself to get it done. And now he tells me this close to the wedding? I wanted the prince finished long before then. Now I have almost no time to fix Roman's errors.

After looking through the letter again I realised that Roman had accidentally sealed another letter. A letter from the Prince, the one that I want to... deep breath... we can't spoil everything now, Can we? But as I was saying, telling my ghastly brother of Virgil's love. Yes I know his name!


Well, Fuck! Now Roman will always be around so I can't get to the prince...


If I break that boys heart so much, he will never want to see Roman again. This will be punishment for his incompetence too as well as making it easier to kill that boy. Innocent Roman? The perfect lover? I think not.

It took a couple days to get to the castle as I was trying to be more inconspicuous and my brother would be watching for my usual tricks. I had climbed up the princes marble balcony that I had seen him walk out on. I twirled my beautifully manicured moustache as I waited.

"Wh-who are you?" The Virgil stuttered, shocked. It's funny, he looked a lot scrawnier than I would have guessed. Not a very filling meal.
"Oh your highness," I bowed. "I am ever so sorry to come at this inconvenient time and place, but I was terrified for your life." I put on my best act as a wave of confusion passed over his face.

I would have killed him right now but I had to leave my weapons at home, so they wouldn't be detected if I were to run into any trouble.

"I don't know what you mean. Why would anyone threaten my life?"
"I don't know why Sir. But my brother has been sending me letters informing me of how he wants to murder you, and paint the walls with your blood." I drew the letters from my bag. The prince look slightly terrified of this description.
"Well, um, who is your brother?"
"You may not know him but his name is Roman." I was interrupted by a loud intake of breath. Not the gasp I was expecting but his next movements showed his reaction to the news. He started to pace the balcony, ignoring the, now setting, sun.
"No! No! It can't be him! You must be mistaken. He loves me. He has told me he loves me. I trusted him... I mean, I... trust him. I don't know." This inner turmoil was incredibly pleasing and satisfying.
"Sir, if it provides clarity, I have the letters he sent me." I gave him the actual letters I had been sent, but I was very careful on which ones I picked, so as to better play my part.

The boy was close to tears. I could see his trembling. How amusing.

"Th-thank you for telling me. You sh-should leave before anyone finds you." And with that he quickly did just that.

I climbed down the rich green vines onto the dusty street paths of dirt. It was one of the kings' strange decisions to 'Keep to our roots' whatever that is supposed to mean. I didn't have long to prepare for the wedding. I guess if I can't kill the boy before then, then I guess he will just have to get an unusual wedding gift.

Now, I must find a suit that doesn't stain easily.

Thank you for reading this and sticking with it. I am still very new to writing so sorry if it's terrible, which I am sure it is. Thank you all for the support. I can't express how great this makes me feel. You are all awesome! Have a fabulous day.


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