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I was brought into a damp cold room. The air felt heavy and was musty to breathe in. There were stone walls covered in moss, that had turned olive in colour because of rot, on three sides. On the fourth side, the entrance of the cell, there were rusted, steel bars. A lock on the outside, on the door into the cell, taunted me. I could still hear the thump of the guards footsteps as they walked away.

I sat there, staring at the ceiling. Why was I here. I don't understand. I didn't try to kill V-v, I can't even say his name in that context! Now that I know the queer boy, I could never think of murdering such a sweet person. How could it have been that? Nobody knew. I gave no one a reason to be suspicious. I didn't make any move to harm him. So what else could I have done?

Virgil had just confessed to me as well, and I said I reciprocated, and I do! So why would I suddenly be thrown into a grimy cell? It can't be about the wedding because I believe that Virgil would have sorted something out. He's an intelligent person. He knows not to express his feelings, like he did, unless he knew the consequences. We all know he is way to anxious for that.

I spent a long time pacing around the cell, pondering why I was here, but eventually I lost interest. Soon my only stimulus was my own thoughts. I started thinking about the different people I had killed. I thought about how they could have been lovely and kind, like Virgil. Then I was reminded that they were requests from others, not my brother. This meant that it probably was a good thing that I killed them. Probably. I still feel remorseful, now that I have had the opportunity to feel that way, just being left with my thoughts. I don't understand Remus and his Vendetta against the prince.

After being in here for who knows how long I saw a figure walk up to the cells. On further inspection, I realised it was the royal baker that I had met a couple of times before.
"Roman, you have some explaining to do. My son- I mean Virgil is distraught. Why would you want to do something like that to him, he couldn't even hurt a fly, literally. He once kept one as a pet. But I'm getting sidetracked. Why would you lead him on and do that?"
"Wait Patton! Slow down. What do you mean? I didn't lead him on, is Virgil ok?"

"I trusted you Roman, we all did! Even him-and he barely trusts anyone," I knew exactly who the baker was talking about, "How-How can you be a murderer?"
"What?" I exclaimed.
"Why would you want to assassinate Virgil. He is kind to all that he meets but is almost never treated with kindness back. Why would you have any vendetta against him?" And then it clicked.

How did they know? Who told them? It wouldn't have been Remus, that would put his mission in jeopardy.
"Who told you this?" I said, in a daze, thoughts going through my head in the motions of a waltz, but the speed of a Lindy-hop.
"Virgil said that a man he didn't recognise, apparently your brother, told him. But why does it matter? Why would you do that?" He seemed more pleading then angry. I didn't have time to process Patton's words, my mouth just started moving on it's own.

"Patton, Listen! I love Virgil! I love him so much! We haven't been with each other for very long but I know that he has all of my love and heart." It looked like he was puzzled and was about to frustratedly interject but I continued. "I was sent, by my brother, to kill Virgil. But then I met him and now I can't even think about it. This may make no sense. But you must believe me! Please!" The last line came out desperate.

He was silent for a while.
"I really want to believe you Roman, I do. Give me some time to think about it." And then he walked away. I called out after the famous cookie maker, however I was given no reply.

Now I was back to sitting in my cell, staring at the walls. At least now I had something to think about,

Why did Remus report me?

Hi everyone. I hope that this chapter was good, or at least not terrible. Please let me know if I made any mistakes or just general feedback. Please comment as it brings a smile to my face.

Thank you for 400 reads. You have blown my mind and thank you to those who have messaged me telling me that they are enjoying. You change me days to happy ones and motivate me to continue. Thank you again.

Have a lovely day.


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