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"Virgil, Virgil, Virgil! Look at me." It was the king in front of me. I was in a dark coloured suit that I don't remember putting on. The man in front of me must have chosen it as it was so much more formal than anything I would commonly wear. I looked up at him.

"Aren't you excited. You're getting married today." I could see that obviously fake smile adorning his face. I would blame him for this but I guess he doesn't know what it is like, he never had an arranged marriage. The kingdom didn't need one. They don't even need one now really. So why I am I expected to do this? Too late now.

"Come on son, it's your wedding, smile a little. Throw away the frown." It sounds strange, foreign, when he says the word son. He can see my sad look but doesn't know why. I mean, he never took an interest in my life before so I don't know why he would care now. These thoughts didn't help me 'throw away my frown' so to speak.

I have to reiterate this. I love the person I am about to marry. But I don't love him like that. Does my father even understand that? Does he? I said I can't blame him but that doesn't stop me from doing so. He has never been a proper farther.

But now?

He acts like we have been close! Like he acknowledged my existence before a week ago! Pretending that he cared! But he never cared because no one cares. And the first person who did turned out to...

"Stand up straight and look up as you walk down the isle." So many eyes watching. Staring. All these people. I don't know them, they act like they know me. Their eyes trying to read me. If I slouch I will be judged for my nerves. If I stand up then I can see them watching. Waiting for me to slip up. I've been at a crossroad like this before. Picking the lesser of two evils before. Hopefully I'll pick the right one this time.

I hear the music. It sounds like a scream instead of soft piano. The king hooks his arm in mine and starts leading me to the door. It feels like he is dragging me. To be honest, he probably is.

The oak door is pushed open and the piano is deafening. My first step into the room sounds like thunder.

I decide to look at my feet but stand up properly. I can't bare to face the people. It also means they won't have to see my lack of cheer.

I hear them rise from their seats. This walk seems like it's taking a million years. Every footfall louder than the last. Every swallow pushes down the ever growing bundle of protests to the event that is about to take place. I don't want to get married but I don't want to look like a fool.

Don't trip. Speak loudly when you have to. Listen and say the words carefully. Deep breaths. Look up. Wait don't not yet. Don't be weird. Don't fidget, that will look weird. Don't look around. Don't-

I finally get to the front of the room. Their is a priest to my left and Janus is in front of me. He gives me a strained smile. I know he is worried about judgment. However this won't turn out badly for him. He will still get to be with his lover.

I speak when asked but apart from that, I tune out most of the meaningless drivel coming from the priest.
"If anyone can show just cause of why this couple cannot be lawfully joined together in matrimony, let them speak now or forever hold their peace."


Sorry this was short, it's a bit of a filler. I know it's a bit of a cliche but I couldn't resist. We are coming to the end of this journey. Thank you all so much for reading and sticking with it. I hope that you have enjoyed it so far. Tell me how I can improve.

Also, thank you all for almost 600 reads. It means so much to me. Have an awesome day.


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