Perfect-707-Mystic Messenger

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  When he looked at (Y/N), he was always in disbelief that this was all real, and that their whole relationship was not a dream. She was far too perfect to be real, and yet here she was. And she had accepted all of him, even after she found out who he truly was. He had never thought the day would come when anyone could, which is part of why he had shut himself away from everyone. But he had taken a chance on her, after a lot of persistence on her part, and it had paid off. She supported him, even when he was working on helping Saeran get all of the drugs out of his system, and even when he helped Saeran escape from the hospital, despite knowing the risks involved. She was there with him through all of it.

When they had met, they were still kids in a way. She was innocent and naive, and he still firmly believed that he could lock away all his negative feelings and never deal with them. He tried so hard to let her go, and to push her away not only for her sake, but for his, so that he would never have to deal with the rejection he thought was inevitable. But she had kept being incredibly kind to him, even when he was so rude to her and she had every right to give up on knowing him. Yet she refused, and she broke down his walls until it all came flooding out. Although it had been terrifying at first, he loved her for it. He never knew that his life could be so... Perfect.

He proposed to her by having the robot cat bring her the ring. It was blue goldstone, because it looked like a starry night sky, and while he couldn't yet build a spaceship, he would bring the stars into their marriage in any way he could. He didn't need the space station. Just having her was enough to send him into zero gravity, his feet never touching the ground. When the robot cat had delivered the ring, he could hear her gasp in the next room and had smiled to himself, pretending not to hear her running towards him at his computer at full speed. The grin didn't fade as she spun his chair around towards her and threw her arms around him, sobbing into his shoulder and nodding emphatically. They set their date (Halloween) and began planning the small ceremony as Saeran looked on, rolling his eyes and trying his best not to smile.

And now here he was. Standing at the head of the aisle as he waited for the woman he had fallen in love with so quickly and so deeply to walk down. The wedding was outdoors in the courtyard of the church, and they held the ceremony barefoot because of how much they both loved the feeling of the grass on their feet. He saw her come down the aisle and took in a sharp breath, holding it until he was lightheaded before exhaling. She was so beautiful. She always was beautiful, but she was glowing, the light reflecting off her hair as she walked, and her eyes sparkling with more happiness than he had ever seen in any person. She had the biggest smile on her face, and he felt his own smile spreading as he tried to will away the happy tears forming in the corners of her eyes. She was finally across from him and took both his hands, the members of the RFA sitting down. He had seen them all standing, and Jaehee and Zen crying, but when she was in front of him, they didn't exist anymore. They agreed to write their own vows, and he went first.

"606." Their friends laughed at the old joke, and he smiled and continued. "(Y/N). I love you more than anything in the world. I never really thought that anyone could accept the real me, every single part from the good, the bad, and the ugly. When I first began to joke about marrying you, I kept saying that it would be in the space station, and while I wanted it to be true, I think I chose the space station to remind myself that it was unrealistic. And yet here we are. This is real. You accept all of me, and I accept all of you, and I plan to keep accepting every single part of you that I learn over the years. I am never going to let you go again." (Y/N) laughed a little, her own tears of joy starting to pool in the corner of her eyes.

"Saeyoung. I had these wonderful vows that I wrote, but unfortunately those are going out the window as the best day of my life just got even better. Saeyoung, I just found out before the ceremony, and I need you to hear this in front of all our family... I'm pregnant. You're going to be a father." He gaped at her for a minute as their friends- no, their family- screamed. (Y/N) squeezed his hands, bringing him back to reality.

"Is this real?" (Y/N) only nodded, the tears spilling over her smiling cheeks. He pulled her to him and held her tightly. "I'm going to be a father." She nodded happily into his shoulder, and then pulled away with a small laugh.

"Let's finish this ceremony and go celebrate the happiest day of our lives, ok?" Saeyoung nodded, and they finished the ceremony. By the time it was over, night had fallen, and he had his first dance with (Y/N) in their bare feet under the stairs. As he held her close and swayed, he breathed in the smell of the air, memorizing every sensation.

"I never thought I could be this happy." She pulled back and looked up at him, the smile she had since the ceremony still on her face. She stood on her tip-toes and kissed him there under the stars.

He had found this woman who was strong and resilient. A woman who shared all of his dreams and hopes, and who he lived in his house in perfect harmony with. A woman who, even through their rough patches, had loved him and whom he had loved, and who was now carrying their child. And a woman who gave him such words of endearment that he almost felt like he deserved this happiness. And there, in the starlight as he kissed her with their self-made family and his brother finally with them again, nothing had ever been more perfect.

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