Chapter 5: HOPELESS

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(Head up) Before you continue to read the content below. Please be sure to check out my bio of the "Dues and Don's" within my stories.

Mario & Meggy was just horrific & shock from the picture of them together.

Mario: How... Did they even get this picture? That picture was taken on our date...

Meggy: I... Don't know Red... But I do know is that if they even think of using us to escape they got another thing coming.

Mario: That right Sweetie, they have got too far... Man I doubt even SMG3 would do something so threatening... Unless it for SMG4.

Meggy: True... But now what Red?

Mario: If we're there hope & dream for escaping... Let try not to come across them & figure out which spirit have the most hatred in their heart & see if we can bring them to peace.

Meggy: Alright then.

Mario looks in the chest & found something.

Mario: Oh, there's something here.

Mario put up a key that Label Master Bedroom.

Meggy: Seem like another key for this Master Bedroom.

Mario: Hopefully this Master Bedroom have something we can use.

Mario put the Master Bedroom Key in his pocket as they starting to have a cold feeling.

Mario: Brr... I feel so cold. What is this feeling?

Meggy: I don't know... It like I'm feeling winter from the inside of my body...

Mario: I don't like this Sweetie, We should get of here as fast as possible. Everyone must be worried sick about us.

Meggy nodded as they hear wind sound.

 Meggy: What that noise?

Mario look & see Books begin flying to them.

Mario: Holy sh-t!

Meggy: The book are flying to us!

Mario: We need to go now!!

As they ran out of the library.

Mario shut the door quick.

Mario: I swear running out of the room is getting f--king annoy now.

Meggy: *Sigh* No kidding Red.

Mario took his Journal out and begin to write.

Mario Journal 6: Photo in the chest.

In the library there was a photo of me & Meggy together inside a chest with words written in Latin. Who took this photo? Where did they get it? Clearly me & Meggy are not alone in this home. But who else would be in here? The only few people that know me & Meggy are in the house is SMG4 & Luigi. Luigi would never do something like that & I doubt SMG4 would even pull a prank like this to us.

As Mario put his journal in his pocket.

Meggy: Where next Red?

Mario: Let check the door on the right side of the painting.

Meggy nodded as they walk to door on the right side.

Mario: It seems like this must be the master bedroom.

Meggy: Yeah, it is.

Mario use the master bedroom key & unlock the door as they enter the room.

Meggy: Big bed, tacky plant, drawer, some desk, clothing & a door.

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