Chapter 1: Starting Point

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Darkness. That was all I saw.

I only see darkness.

If you don't know who I am. I'm Y/N L/N. The first being to be created by man and not ending up like Frankenstein.

Though I rather be like him. So I can leave this cage.

I was created here to be the heroes "helper" or most likely replacement. Except they tortured me until I was the perfect person; made to replace the weaker heroes. The government assigned this to the best scientists in the field from what I heard from the janitors who talk to me when the came here to clean, or at least that's what I heard since they blind folded me.

Apparently I was originally supposed to be a punching bag for them when they train.

Life sure loves me!

I hate it here. It's cold, uncomfortable, and miserable. I'm supposed to have all the quirks known to mankind with out even having a drawback! But hey, less pain.

Today was where they were going to do ANOTHER experiment! This was the 165th time they did that this month!! Last time they tried seeing if music effects my quirk, which it did. But instead of lowering my quirk it only increased it.

Killing a few people in the process. Which I'm proud of because they deserved it. And by a few I mean like the 35 people who were there testing me.

I suddenly hear the door being unlocked and opened. "Ahh, 930, its time for your test~" they said singing at the last part, they remove the blindfold and then I see really, really bright light.

I feel a pinch on my neck then slowly start to black out.

I wake up to ANOTHER bright light and feel leather restraints around my wrists and ankles. And I guess you are wondering again if I'm being called by number how do I have a name? Well apparently there's one person in the faculty that was kind to me, they weren't supposed to be on the whole entire thing in the first place. But they thought this was cruel so they gave me name and to honest I like the name. One night they tried to help me escape but security already killed them before they got the chance.

I start feel something sharp cut into my left arm. I wince from the pain but then it was going deeper and deeper into it.

I screamed in pain and agony. It felt like my arm was getting cut off. Then I blacked out from probably blood loss.

Time skip

I wake in the room they keep me in. I try to get up but I suddenly couldn't feel my arm anymore. I love at my left hand and see something that will scar me for life.

M-my hand was gone! Only a robotic one. Why, why would they do something like this!

That's it!!!

I'm done playing the ginny-pig for these bastards! I hear the door open to see one of the janitors that tells what's going on. I see that his eyes widen, he walks over to me and lifts up the rest of my sleeve.

I had more robotic parts!

{A/N: just think you have a robotic arm like Shiro from Voltron except you still have your shoulder and half of your upper arm}

The janitor steps back a little. "T-this is what they did to you?" I nod "This has gone on for too long, you need to leave." he said pulling out his keys "Take them" "I ca-" "Take them! Use your quirk and leave this horrid place!" "But you know they'll kill you if they found out!" I say tears coming down my face "They'll never catch me." "H-how?" he gave me a warm smile "Cause death is better than bond." he said calmly. I look at him with a sad face "I'm sorry." "It's perfectly fine, the others have been planning this since they gave you your quirk and tortured you like this." "I hope you find your way to heaven." "I will" then a tendrils come out from my back and stab him in the chest. I felt tears running down my face as walked out of my cell.

Time skipper

Everyone was gone. I stare at the building that was once my cage. I let a few tears shed since the janitors here helped me escape. One of my tendrils picked up the keys that one of the janitors gave me. I take and hold it close to my chest; I'll never forget what they did for me.

I walk down the street and see a building with clothes everywhere. I wonder why anyone would leave clothes out like that.

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